The Ozone Layer

  • Discovered

    The ozone layer was discovered
  • Made of

    When it was discovered it was made of Ox3
  • Proves

    Jean-Louis Soret proved that the ozone was O3
  • CFC

    A group of scientists synthesize CFCs
  • Expand

    CFC market starts to expand
  • Discovery

    Discovery of the ozone layer was by the British Antarctic Survey.
  • CFC

    Scientists descovered the CFC in the atmosphere
  • Nobel Prize

    Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland discovered that CFC will break down the ozone
  • Ban

    Non-essential use of CFC is banned, Canada, Norway and Sweden also follow this.
  • Discovers

    BAS discovers the ozone hole in Antarctica 7.3 milliom square miles.
  • Ozone

    Globly ozone starts to become abmormally low
  • Ozone

    The ozone hole was the biggest it's ever been
  • Ends

    CFC production end world wide