The Odyssey by Juanita

  • 750 BCE

    Odysseus is held captive

    Odysseus is held captive
    Odysseus is held captive for 7 years by the goddess Calypo in the island Ogygia, Athena helps him escape.
  • 738 BCE

    Odysseus raids and trashes

    Odysseus raids and trashes
    Odysseus robs and kills some of the Cicones. The Cicones kill 72 of Odysseus men. "Odysseus and his crew raid the Cicones, robbing and killing people, until the ciconian army kills 72 of odysseus men and drives the rest out to sea"
  • 733 BCE

    Sails away

    Sails away
    Odysseus sails away and then lands on a deserted island while observing across from him the island of the Cyclones.
  • 727 BCE

    Odysseus tricks the Cyclone

    Odysseus tricks the Cyclone
    Odysseus and his men intoxicate the cyclone then stabbing in his one eye so we wouldn't see to steal his sheep.
  • Polyphemus put a curse on odysseus

    Polyphemus put a curse on odysseus
    when Odysseus and his men had tricked the cyclops Polyphemus it had prayed to his father Poseidon and told him 'O hear me, lord blue girdler of the islands,if i am thine indeed, and thou art father: grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, never see his home again.