The odyssey by homer

The Odyssey

  • Troy

    The Trojan War, Odysseus places himself and his men inside a giant wooden horse and leaves it in front of the gates of the city of Troy. The Trojans accept the horse and bring it inside the city gates, where Odysseus and his men attack.
  • Cicones

    This is where Odysseus's men plunder the City of Cicones until the men of the city attack Odysseus's men and they flee.
  • Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Here, after eating the lotus, Odysseus's men had to strapped to the boat to force them to leave the island which they wanted to remain on due to injesting the lotus.
  • Cyclops

    While checking to see if the Cyclops were friendly or not, the cyclops ate some of his men. In order to get away Odysseus blinded the Cyclops.
  • Aeolus

    After they stay with the king for a month, the king gave Odysseus a wind to sail by, and a bag of all the unfavorable winds. When on the ship near Ithica, his men think its riches being hidden from them and open the bag, which blows the ship back to the island, and the king refuses to help them again.
  • Lestrygones

    When Odysseus get to the land of the Lestrygones, he soon realizes that they aren't friendly. They hurle boulders at his fleet and all but Odysseus's ship is sunk.
  • Circe

    When the men are exploring the island, they are interested in a woman, Circe, who drugges them and turns them into pigs and places them in a pen. Odysseus gives them something that reverses Circe's spell, then they spend a year on the island, when it only feels like a few days
  • Land of the Dead

    Land of the Dead
    When Odysseus pleads with Circe to let them go, he was told they must go to the Land of the Dead on his way home to Ithica
  • Circe

    This is when Circe warns about the Sirens and how to survive them, along with Scylla
  • Sirens

    The Sirens usually lure sailors to their death by there voices, but through Circe's prediction, Odysseus had his men fill their ears with wax as to not hear the songs, and have them tie him to the mast of the ship so he could listen to them, but not follow them.
  • Scylla/Charybolls

    As Circe Predicted if they landed by Scylla, the creature with six heads, six of his men would die, but if he went to Charybolls, they would die in her whirlpool
  • Hellos

    Odysseus' men were instructed not to touch Helleos, the sun god, cattle but they ended up eating them anyway and they died
  • Zeus

    Zeus sends a lightning bolt to deestroy his ship without killing Odysseus.
  • Calypso

    Odysseus spent seven years on the island, as Calypso had fallen in love with him until she is instructed to release him by hermes.
  • Alcinous

    After Odysseus was begged to tell the stories of his travels he is set off back to Ithica.
  • Ithaca

    On return home, discuised, Odyssus kills all the suitors and won back his wife Penelope.