
The neighbourhood timeline

  • Band start

    Band start
    The band started in 2012 with the song "Female robbery"
  • First album

    First album
    Revealed their first full-length album "I Love You"
  • Bryan Sammis

    Bryan Sammis
    The band confessed via social media that drummer Bryan Sammis left the band to pursue a solo career in music
  • "#000000 & #FFFFFF"

    "#000000 & #FFFFFF"
    The band released a mixtape titled "#000000 & #FFFFFF"
  • Wiped Out!

    Wiped Out!
    The band's second album, "Wiped Out!" went on sale
  • Hard to imagine how the neighbourhood ever changing

    Hard to imagine how the neighbourhood ever changing
    The third album titled "hard to imagine how the neighborhood ever changing" was released.
  • México and debuts

    México and debuts
    It was one of the times they came to Mexico, but this time they played their debut song titled "Lost in the traslation"
  • Jesse's disappearance on instagram

    Jesse's disappearance on instagram
    The vocalist of the band closed all his social networks to be able to concentrate on the development of the next album