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The Nazi Hunters By Jackson Drum

By 2450120
  • Harel enlists in jewish paramilitary

    Harel enlists in jewish paramilitary
    Isser Harel feared that Hitler would attack Palestine so he enlisted in the Jewish paramilitary. he learned how to listen to all of the messages they exchanged with shai
  • Zeev saves himself

    Zeev saves himself
    As a 15-year-old Zeev was one of the 11 to survive from being killed. During the march, he passed out due to lack of being taken care of. After he passed out the nazis thought he died and left him behind. He only weighed 64 pounds.
  • Adolf Eichmann denies orders

    Adolf Eichmann denies orders
    Himmler gives orders to Eichmann to stop the march and Eichmann keeps the march and continues killing the jews.
  • Adolf Eichman goes to Argentina

    Adolf Eichman goes to Argentina
    Eichman escapes to Argentina and is given documentation when he gets their
  • How they capture him

    How they capture him
    explains what the final plan is to capture Eichman in South America, and if it would work and all of the outcomes and consequences it may cause.
  • Shalom and gat are getting prepared

    Shalom and gat are getting prepared
    Shalom and gat are going in an old vehicle to make paths for the attempted to capture Adolf Eichmann.
  • yosef thinks the plan may not work

    yosef thinks the plan may not work
    Yosef explains why flying to Argentina may not work and will get in some serious trouble
  • Sylvia realizes who Nicks dad really is

    Sylvia realizes who Nicks dad really is
    Sylvia had arrived at Nick's house 4261 Chacabuco and has been greeted by a woman with a toddler in her hands. She asked Sylvia if she wanted to come in and have some cake and coffee. She came and asked where nick is and replied not home. A man walked in asking are you, Mr. Eichmann, he said no. She nervously said she had to go and nick said by father to the man. In Sylvia's head, she can stop thinking about who that man really is.
  • Zvi spies on EIchman

    Zvi spies on EIchman
    Zvi takes pictures of Eichman at his house when he is outside and has a whole plan to capture him unseen
  • Bauer decides to invade

    Bauer  decides to invade
    Bauer had no other choice but to go to the Israelis. He thought that the west german would not act against former nazis
  • Simon Wiesenthal is Free

    Simon Wiesenthal is Free
    Simon was rescued weighing 97 pounds. he had seen an American tank and had been rescued and wanted revenge on the nazis for taking his wife and kids.
  • Zvi found Eichmans boys

    Zvi found Eichmans boys
    they found Eichmans boys and the pictures we saw earlier in the prolouge
  • Zvi goes undercover

    Zvi  goes undercover
    stepped up to the immigration control at Bueno's aires airport. he is going in to catch Eichman. He is identified as Mr Rodan.
  • Harel makes date

    Harel makes date
    Harel makes plans with his team to fly to Argentina and capture Adolf Eichman on May 1st
  • They want justice

    They want justice
    The Jewish people wanted justice for all the havoc things the nazis have caused.
  • Eichmans reaction

    Eichmans reaction
    Eichman was very scared at first and was resisting a whole bunch then got tired and gave up and went to the safe house and integrated
  • EIchman Gets Caught

    EIchman Gets Caught
    The team is very nervous as they do catch Eichman about 30 yards away from his house. As they told Eichman multiple times "If you say anything we will shoot you."
  • Harel explains the pinishments

    Harel explains the pinishments
    Harel explains the consequences if they get caught trying to catch Eichman. Harel said it could be up to 10 years in prison and wishes everybody look for the capture
  • Eichman may sneak on plane

    Eichman may sneak on plane
    Aharoni has the plan to put makeup on Eichman as he looks so much younger and sneaks him on the plane. Eichman looks more like himself when he was younger in the war with the makeup and will be put in a wooden box with 15 little breathing holes.
  • Almost at freedom

    Almost at freedom
    The team almost escaped with Eichman on board along with the whole team but were alerted that a false passenger is on board and had to turn back immediately, and says "If u wanna stay back we are leaving you."
  • rough landing

    rough landing
    The team hardly lands in Dakar as the fuel they have hardly is enough to even land and thought security would get them when they land but end up going to Isreal making it
  • Eichman in Isreal

    Eichman in Isreal
    Eichman when landed May 22nd, 1960 the team was ready to give justice for the Jewish people but needed people who have encountered him to confirm it and did and is one step closer to lock Eichman up
  • Eichman is dead

    Eichman is dead
    Eichman the day he was hung he acted normal and brushed his teeth shaved and got dressed, and requested cigarettes whine and paper and a pen to write to his family in Argentina
  • Peter Malkin tells his mom everything

    Peter Malkin tells his mom everything
    Peter Malkin got a phone call in 1971 about his mother that is in the hospital and when he got there he expressed to her that he was the one who captured Eichman