The Nation Breaking Apart Timeline

  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    This bill aimed to outlaw slavery in territories taken from Mexico. the bill passed in the House of Represntatives but was defeated in the Senate thus causing a divison in Congress. Although, not a success it led to the formation of the Free Soil Party
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Became a law. It was a serie sof Congressional law that wanted to settle the dissagreement between free states and slave states. The compromise triedn to keep both sides happy.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    A law that set up territories of Kansa nd Nebraska. It gave both states the descion wheather to become a slave state or a free state. It made people happy that they could decide if their stated was going to be free or a slave state.
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    "Bleeding Kansas"
    Antislavery and proslavery settelrs hurried into the Kansas territory to vote for the territorial legislature. More proslavery people rthan anislavery settlers were there. However, they didn't wan tto loose the election. Antislavery settelrs boycotted and the proslaverymob attacked the town of Lawerence.
  • Caning of Sumner

    Caning of Sumner
    Senator Sumner bad mouthed A.P. Butler, a senator from South Carolina. Butler's nephew was in the audience, when he heard what Sumner was saying about his Uncle, he attacked him, and beat him uncousious.
  • Dred Scott v.Sandford

    Dred Scott v.Sandford
    Dread Scott was a slave, when he and his master traveled to Wisconsin, He didn't know he was in a free state. WHen he came back he sued the U.S. federal court.Roger B. Taney. said that Scott wasn't a U.S. citizen, so he wasn't allowed the sue the federal court.Alsohe said that when he traveled to Wisconsin it didn't automatically make hima free man.He also added that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
  • Attack on Harper Ferry

    Attack on Harper Ferry
    John Brown and his sons dicided to attack Harpers Ferry Arsenal. They took over the arsenaland called out to all slaves to come and to fight for their freedom. No slaves shoewed up. Brown and his sons were captures and Brown was hanged.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Lincoln wanted to become president and to stop thye expansion of slavery. Lincoln won the election because there was more people in the north than in the south. Southerners were upset becuase they didn't vote for Lincoln and he still became president. That is one of the resons why the south suceded.