The Life of Isha Fowler

  • Isha Fowler is born

    Isha Fowler was born today. Her mother was extremely excited about the life that was coming up for this wonderfully cute specimen. Why was she this excited? Because Isha Fowler was already fluent at 27 different languages. The other thing that's amazing about this newborn is that she has a amazing ability to walk and her IQ level is higher than the average 30 year old.
  • Isha Fowler learns to walk.

    Isha Fowler takes her first steps. Extremely exciting to watch her. Wait. She can already walk.
  • Isha Fowler's first day at school

    Isha Fowler is supposed to start school, but because she has an IQ level of a 30 year old, her mother decides to take her around the world which will benefit her in the future years. She does this because she knows that school will not help Isha Fowler in any way at all.
  • Isha Fowler's first birthday party

    Isha Fowler is just wrapping up her trip in Europe with an over-the-top, extravagant party in Barcelona, Spain. Because Isha Fowler is such an iconic figure to the Spanish community, they, as a nation, decide to postpone their annual tomato throwing festival. This is especially special for Isha Fowler because she never had time for a party before because of her ongoing PHD on Spanish culture.