Nelson mandela 400

The Life and accomplishements of Nelson Mandella.

  • Time of birth

  • Joins the ANC (African National Congress)

  • Nelson Mandela and Evelyn Mase get married

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    The Treason Trial

  • The Sharpville uprising

    To fight for better living condition and equal rights for black people, demonstrations were organised to burn the mandatory ID papers given by the oppressive goverments.
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    The time period Nelson Mandela spent in jail, after being arrested for riot actions against the goverment of South Africa
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    Rivonia Trial

    Upon the conlussion of his trial, mandela was sentenced to prison.
  • Soweto Protest

    Due to injustice towards the black citizens of South Africa, organized peaceful demonstrations begin to form. One such demonstration turned into a one sided execution by the law enforcement of Soweto. These killings were since then denied by the goverment.
  • Nelson Mandela recieves the Nobel Peace Price

  • Mandela is elected as the first democratically choosen president of South Africa, representing he ANC

  • Time of death