The July Crisis

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gravrilo Princip.
  • Germany's blank cheque

    Germany offerd the blank cheque to Austria-Hungary and Germany will agree to support action of Austria-Hungary.
  • An Ultimaturn to Serbia

    Ultimaturn to Serbia that effectively revoked Serbia's national sovereignty.
  • Declaration of war betweet Austria_Hungary and Serbia

    Formal declaration of war.
  • The capital Belgrade was under bombardment

    After the war was declared bewteen Austria-Hungary and Serbia, Belgrade was under attack.
  • Mobillisation of armies

    Russia and Austria-Hungary started to mobilised their troops, and French withdraw 10km aling the German border.
  • Mobilisation of amry

    Germany demanded Russia to immediately demobilise, while requiring from France.
  • Declaration of war bewteen Russia and Germany

    A declaration of neutrality in the event of war with Russia.
  • Mobilisation of army

    Germany and France oreder mobilisation
  • Formal declaration of war bewteen Russia and Germany

    Germany formally declared war with Russia
  • Germany invasion

    Germany invaded France and Beligum
  • Germany's Ultimaturn to Belgium

    Germany ultimaturn wanted Beligium to stay neutral while German troops march off to France.
  • Beligium King, Albert I rejected Germany's ultimaturn

    Beligium rejected the ultimaturn
  • Britian into war

    Britian was brought into war by the Treaty of London.
  • Declaration of war bewteen Britian and Germany

    War was delcared bewteen Britian and Germany