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The Journey of Odyseeus

  • Jun 3, 1181

    The Circe turns the crew into swine

    The Circe turns the crew into swine
    Circe said, " The only way you can get home again, is you must take a deture to the land of death." She excepted them into her house and Odysseus accepted. She gave them food and honeyed wine mixed with a pinch of something special. She waved her wand and turned them into swine.
  • Jun 10, 1181

    Odysseus visits Tiresias the land of death

    Odysseus visits Tiresias the land of death
    Odysseus made the tour to the land of the death to consult the blind profit. Tiresias gave dysseus warning about his journey home and told him what he must do to insure a happy death when his time came.
  • Jun 17, 1181

    Odysseus' ship passes the Sirens.

    Odysseus' ship passes the Sirens.
    [Odysseus travel](http://<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odysseus) ' >Odysseus</a>
    As they were passing Sirens, they passed between the six-headed monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis, where they rowed directly between the two. But along the way Scylla dragged the boat towards her by grabbing the oars and ate six men.
  • Jul 25, 1181

    The crew slaughters Helios' cattle

    The crew slaughters Helios' cattle
    Heloi's Cattle
    Odysseus and his crew arrive at Thrinacia even though they had been warned not too by Circe and the shade of Tiresias. They begged him to rest he allows it but makes them swear on an oath. His crew, fearing starvation, slaughter and eat some of Helios's cattle.
  • Aug 30, 1181

    Zeus kills everyone but Odysseus

    Zeus kills everyone but Odysseus
    After eating the cattle and being warned they head back out to sea. When Helio goes to Zues to complain, they decide that he needs to send a thunderbolt and kill everyone sparing Odysseus.
  • Sep 2, 1181

    Odysseus arrives on Calypso's island

    Odysseus arrives on Calypso's island
    Odyssues was spared by Zues' thunderbolt and was brought to Calypso's island, where he will spend the next 7 years of his life.
  • Jan 18, 1182

    Odysseus blinds the Polyphemus

    Odysseus blinds the Polyphemus
    Odysseus cuts a 6 foot pole off a green olive club, and then he tells his men to sharpen it. Afterwards he hides it in the cave and the cyclops returns home. Then Odysseus gets Cyclops drunk. After hes drunk he lays down and falls asleep. Odysseus and his men take the pole and stab into Polyphemus' eye and is blinded.
  • Jan 19, 1182

    Aeolus gives Odysseus the bag of winds

    Aeolus gives Odysseus the bag of winds
    Odysseus and his crew came to the island of Aeolus. Zues mad him keeper of hte winds. Aeolus was kind enough to provide a steady breeze to blow them home. He also gave Odysseus a bag of wind to store on board.
  • Jan 28, 1182

    Odysseus nearly reaches Ithaca

    Odysseus nearly reaches Ithaca
    Nine days later they were just about to reach Ithaca, they were so close they could see the land and shore.Then his crew mates betrayed him by opening the bag of winds that blew them all the way back to Aeolus's island.
  • Feb 3, 1182

    The Laestrygonians

    The Laestrygonians
    They destroy 11 ships. And a giant ate many of Odysseus' men.Odysseus' ship was not destroyed as it was hidden in a cove near shore.
  • Jan 17, 1183

    The land of Lotus-eaters

    The land of Lotus-eaters
    Zues sent a storm that knocked them to their knees.They rode it out as best as they could.
  • Jan 1, 1184

    The land of Ismarus and the Cicones

    The land of Ismarus and the Cicones
    This land would have been somewhere to the South, since the gale that drove Odysseus there was northerly. Our first landfall was Ismarus, in the land of the cicones. We sacked the town, killed the men, and took the women captive,
  • Period: Jan 1, 1194 to

    The Journey of Odysseus

    The Journey of Odyesseus's travels through 20 years.
  • Period: to

    Odysseus' Journey

    The Trojan War took 10 years He spent 10 years trying to get home, 7 of them on Calypso's island. (The timeline would not let me put the dates in reverse.)