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the journey of christianity

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    Jesus is the son of GOD christians believ he saved all of humanity through his actions.born to mary and josph and grew up to be a carpenter .he changed the world he is know as the "true god and true man".he was fully human practicing what is recognized as christianity.though he was faced with many pains and temptation never once did he sin .
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    the kingdom of god

    the kingdom of god
    christians are promised if they live a sinless life they can inherate the kingdom of god. the kingdom of god is more commenly reffered to as heaven. in the kingdom of god there is a throne of god and to the right of him is jesus christ .when we die we go into a sleep and when GOD crackes the sskyall of those who died will enter the kingdom of GOD for judgement day and if you have lived by his word you will be accepted into heaven alongside of the angles.
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    on easter ina three day period jesus was ressurected from the dead. even though though the bible includes manytimes when jesus was ressurected this one is most important reffered to as the holy week which is the week before jesus accended into heaven that also includes good friday and easter .markes important date in this religion
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    jesus death was brutle.he was crusified on the cross in the early 1 centry . he died in front of many people as if it was some type of entertainment they peirced him in the sided and nailed his hands and and feet and placed a thorn crown on his head.many christian tody are content on the fact he died for all of our sins ,to save humanity.
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    the middle ages

    the middle ages
    the rest of europe was christianized by this time gaining adhearents in the middle east, north africa, ethiopia, and parts of india. the rest of the world got the news through missionary work and colonization such as in the amaricas,australia, and sub saharan africa.
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    foudation of christianity

    foudation of christianity
    christianity is an Arahamic religion beginning in the mid first centurary. It began in the levant reigion and spead quickly.
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    the holy trinity

    the holy trinity
    the holy trinity cpnsist of Jesus, GOD , and the Holy Spirit.some say yoou can some this up by saying in jesus, name because he has apart of each of them within him.
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    these people are those who belive in the holy trinity.almost all the church stand behind the in their belifes in the concept of the trinity.this provoked new testiment teachings
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    the spread

    the spread
    from the levant reigion of the middle east the speadstarted in syria then mesopotamia over to asia minor and finally to eygept. as it spead it increased in size and had influenced many countries along the way. It was this time that this religion becamethe official state church of the roman empire.
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    baptimsm was an early establishment. many did this to become pure again and wash away all of our sins so that we may live holy. baptizing is still around today and is steadaly increasing.
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    it was this ealry when christian started to belive the gosple of christ which all started from creeds
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    the apostil creed arebstill known today some of the most popular creeds were written in the apostolic time period. this is the buliding blocks of christanity it is generally accepted in the christan religion. served as a summery of christanity.
  • Jul 24, 600


    all christian want to attain salvation. the way they belive is to give youself over to god and to live by the bible.salvation is when your soul is saved .this salvation is eternal which mean it can never be taken away it will forever be there.
  • Apr 24, 1000


    christianity has came a long way they have created many symbols for themselve. the most popular is the cross that symbolizes the sacrafice jesus made selflessly so that we may live.
  • Sep 25, 1000

    ten comadments

    ten comadments
    these are considered essential in the christan community. these commandment are the word spoken from GOD to us .these include prohibitations against idoloitry, blasphimy, killing, theft and adultry. this is the foundation of this religion .
  • Apr 24, 1100


    many have started to belive whole heartedly in god which as a results they worship him by haveing sevices and prayer meetings they showGOD the love he deserves
  • Aug 22, 1100

    three major groups

    three major groups
    catholic church and eastern orthodox church and different denominations of protestantismwere now considered the three major group after the roman catholic and eastern orthodox patriarchates split apart .
  • Nov 23, 1200


    of course if you know what trinitarians are then you know that these poeple are tthe opposite of them. there are very few that lives by this way of thinking.
  • Apr 24, 1300

    death and afterlife

    death and afterlife
    this first came into realizatio when they started to think what happened to jesus after he died and may have started the beliefs all together.Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine judgment and are rewarded with eternal life.
  • Sep 30, 1450


    this date was when they first start to put the bible together witch contains many scriptures. these scriptures gives us insight to how the world was while jesus was walkin the earth.all christian live by this book.
  • Apr 24, 1500

    the scriptures

    the scriptures
    they were originally written for follows of gods word to help guide them throgh the rogh patches.
  • formation of the third group

    formation of the third group
    protestantism came into exitiance during this centry after splitting from the roman catholic church.
  • Eschatology

    this is the destiny of christians as it unvails the bible.there are many thing that this includes such as heaven and hell, jesus' second coming, tribulations, death and afterlife, the rapture , the ressurection of the dead, and the last judgement.
  • prayer

    prayer is essential in the christian religion. it is said that if you pray for it that you no longer have to worry about it becuase you have now placed it in GOD'S hands.people will always pray it almost like it is in our nature prayer was made as a one way line to GOD he hears all your prayers and he knows exactly what you need before you ask.
  • establishments of creeds

    establishments of creeds
    most of the most famouse creeds we made around this time.these were central docterines of the trinity.