The Jacksonian Era

  • Andrew Jackson was Inaugurated

    Andrew Jackson was Inaugurated
    Jackson was the first westerner to become President. It showed the growth of political power in the West. It also reflected the growth of democracy. Huge crowds of people came to the inauguration.
  • Jackson Uses the Spoil System

    Jackson Uses the Spoil System
    President Jackson fired more than 200 government employees. He then replaced them with his own supporters. So supporters were rewarded with government jobs.
  • Congress Passes the Indian Removal Act

    Congress Passes the Indian Removal Act
    This was an act that forced many Native American nations to move out of their land and travel west of the Mississippi. Although the Supreme Court said that Native Americans were protected by the Constiution, Jackson said that the federal government could not stop states from moving the Native Americans. The act helped white settlement.
  • The Election of 1832

    The Election of 1832
    The election was tied in with the war about the Bank of the US. The Whigs wanted to renew the Bank that year before it was due for renewal four years later. People supported the bank. Whigs thought Jackson would lose the election because he would veto the renewal right before the election. Surprisingly Jackson won even though he did veto the renewal.
  • Calhoun Resigns from His Position of Vice President

    Calhoun Resigns from His Position of Vice President
    President Jackson and Calhoun disagreed on who had more power, the states or the federal government. Calhoun, a southerner, despised the tariff on imports. He believed states had the right to nullify a federal law that it considered unconstitutional. He thought states had more authority than the federal government. He believed the states should have equal rights. Jackson opposed nullification. This caused dispute between the President and the Vice President. Calhoun resigned his position as VP.
  • The Whigs are born

    The Whigs are born
    The Whigs were a new party who supported Adams and his programs fore national growth. They wanted the economy to be spurred by the federal government. Whigs included eastern business people, southern planters, and former Feds.
  • The Bank Closes in 1836

    The Bank Closes in 1836
    Surprising to the Whigs in the Election of 1832, the majority of the people still supported Jackson and sided with him in rejecting the Bank of the United States. Because it was vetoed, the Bank had no new charter. Jackson had federal money put in the state banks to further weaken the bank before it had to close in 1836. When the bank closed in 1836, it helped contribute to an economic crisis.
  • Van Buren Become President

    Van Buren Become President
    After Jackson finished his two terms, Van Buren was elected President. Although he was clever and intelligent, he would have to face many problems with the economy.
  • The Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837
    This was the worst economic crisis the nation ever had. Because the Bank of the United States had closed, state banks lent money without limit. Because of the demand, the banks printed more and more paper money which was often not backed with gold or silver. Jackson realized the large speculation of land so he made people have to pay it with money backed with gold or silver. People rushed to exchange paper money for gold and silver. Banks did not have enough gold or silver so many had to close.
  • The Economic Depression

    The Economic Depression
    The United States went into an economic depression during the Panic of 1837. It lasted for three years. 90 percent of the factories closed down and thousands of people were without work. Van Buren was blamed for it. He believed that the federal government should play a small role in the economy. He became more and more unpopular