
The Inter-War Period

  • The Treaty of Versailles is Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles is Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles ends World War One and imposes heavy reparations payments on Germany. Not only this , but Germany's army is reduced considerably. Importance: Germany is "shamed" and ignites Hitllers rage and determination to put Germany on "top".
  • League of Nation is Established

    League of Nation is Established
    The Assembly of the League of Nations is established because of World War One in order for all participating nations to co-operate for the goal of world peace Significance: Germany would not be allowed to join until later. The league proved ineffective and did not have the power or resources to combat Soviet, German, Italian and Japanese aggresion.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party
    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party. Importance: Hitlers rise to power begins with a single step.
  • Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier

    Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier
    King Victor Emmanuel declares Mussolini premier of Italy. Importance: becuase Mussolini sides with the similar ideals of Hitler, he joins the side of the nazis.
  • Joseph Stalin becomes sole dictator of the Soviet Union

    Joseph Stalin becomes sole dictator of the Soviet Union
    Joseph Stalin is made the sole dictator of the Soviet Union (USSR). He commanded the Soviet Union during WW2 as a dictatorship. Importance: without Stalins ruthless dictatorship World War Two may have ended differently
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    In an attempt to rid the German government of chaos , President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor. Importance: Hitler continues to rise the ranks.
  • Hitler's Program of Rearmament

    Hitler's Program of Rearmament
    Hitler wanted to recover Germany's glory and disreegarded the treaty of Versailles by rebuilding Germanys armed forces. Importance: Hitler was allowed to rebuild up Germany's armed forces, Germany became quite powerful, making it a possible threat to the western democracies.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes U.S. President

    Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes U.S. President
    Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the U.S. President. He continues to be the leader of the U.S. throughout the entirety of World War 2. Importance: Roosevelt proves to be an admirable adversary to Hitler and played a major role in winning the war.
  • The German Reichstag Passes the Enabling Act

    The German Reichstag Passes the Enabling Act
    The Enabling Act gives Hitler the power to issue decrees with the status of law.
  • President Hindenburg Dies

    President Hindenburg Dies
    President Hindenburg of Germany dies. Importance: Hitler was able to declare himself as a Führer, who is an absolute ruler of Germany. Hitler gained much authority and power.
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany

    Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany
    Hitler wins 95% of the votes for him to become supreme leader of Germany. Importance: Hitler now has fomplete control of everthing in Germany and is free to do what he wants.
  • Neutrality Act is passed by US Congress

    Neutrality Act is passed by US Congress
    With WW2 imminent the Neutrality Act, preventing the United States from aiding anyone in the war, is passed. This is to ensure that no harm is done to the U.S. during the war. Importance: the U.S. doesnt engage in the war until the dying moments of the war. Full strength U.S. helps the exhausted allies to finish off the war.
  • The Reoccupaation of the Rhineland

    The Reoccupaation of the Rhineland
    Description: The treaty that outraged Germans was further disregarded when Hitler contiuned his rearmament by sending military troops into the Rhineland. Significance: Hitler was gains much needed territiory and England again showed weakness and lenience in the eyes of Hitler.
  • Japan Begins Invading China

    Japan Begins Invading China
    The Pacific war commences, the first real sign of battle. Significance: this is a sign of rising tensions between countries and the first real battle made in the war.
  • Anschluss With Austria

    Anschluss With Austria
    One of Hitler's goals was to unite the German speaking people. Hitler forced Austrian Chancellor Schuschingg to join with Germany, which was a popular move amongst many German and Austrian people. Importance: Germany was united and became more powerful.
  • The Munich Conference is Held

    The Munich Conference is Held
    Hitler sought the Sudetenland, a part of Czechoslovakia with high German populations. France and Brtian hoped to appease Hitler, hoping he would stop with his ambitions. Importance: Germany got the Sudetenland, Czechslovakia felt betrayed, and France and Britain looked weak.
  • Nazis begin rounding up Jews

    Nazis begin rounding up Jews
    The Nazis begin to round up Jews and occupy them in concentration camps, which eventually turn into execution camps. Importance: the nazis plans for the Aryan race begins to take effect when they begin to round up the "worst"race
  • The Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Pact
    HItler wanted to avoid a two front war. So he decided upon a non aggresion pact with the Soviets, agreeing that the two countries would not attack each other. The two countries also agreed to invade Poland. Importance: Hitler was able to concentrate his forces in the west, so he was able to defeat France and Britain.
  • Operation Himmler is Exectuted

    Operation Himmler is Exectuted
    Operation Himmler involved attiring a PoW with Polish uniforms and killing him and making it look like Poland had made the first move. Operation Himmler gives the Nazis justification for attacking Poland. Importance: Hitler later invades Poland which leads to the beginning of WW2.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Poland is attacked using Hitler’s “Blitzkrieg” style of warfare, destroying much of Poland’s air force. This unwarranted invasion leads to France and Britain giving an ultimatum of war if Germany does not withdraw. Importance: tensions rise and the allies begin to warrant the idea that Hitler wanted world domination.
  • Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    In response to Hitler's continued aggression in Eastern Europe, Britain and France had no choice but to go to war with Germany in an attempt to stop Hitler's bid for global domination. Importance: WW2 begins