The Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin as a more efficient way to clean and process the cotton. The earliest versions of the cotton gin consisted of a single roller made of iron or wood and a flat piece of stone or wood.
  • Fulton's Clermont

    Fulton's Clermont
    Fulton got a MONOPOLY on steamboats on the condition that they would travel no slower than 4mph. Eventually became a major transportation method (like I-40).
  • Andrew Jackson Became President

    Andrew Jackson Became President
    He focused on domestic and internal issues. He also passed the Indian removal act of 1830 which then led to the trail of tears.
  • Tom Thumb's Railroad

    Tom Thumb's Railroad
    This was the first ever railroad. It was made up of mostly wagons that had 6ft wheels. With the boiler sitting upright this was dangerous because if the train were to de-rail then it would cause the whole thing to then blow up.
  • Steel Plow is Invented

    Steel Plow is Invented
    John Deere was a blacksmith who invented a steel pow. These steel plows were stronger and more reliable than the Wood and Iron ones. They were also easy to mass produce