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The Holocaust

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor and Jewish Buisnesses/Offices Boycott

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor and Jewish Buisnesses/Offices Boycott
    Adolf Hitler was appointed as German chancellor.Jewish businesses and offices through-out Germany were boycotted.Jews were expelled from the German civil service.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

  • Law Limits Jews in Public Schools(1)

    Law Limits Jews in Public Schools(1)
    this law limited the number of Jewish students in any one public school to no more than 5 percent of the total student population.In 1933, 75 percent of all Jewish students attended general public schools in Germany. Public schools also played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas to German youth. Educators taught students love for Hitler, obedience to state authority, militarism, racism, and antisemitism.
  • Non-Aryan Students Prohibited From Having Medical Exams

    Non-Aryan Students Prohibited From Having Medical Exams
    Non-aryan medical students were not allowed to take medical exams.Jews were not allowed to have a national health insurance.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    The laws excluded German Jews from citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with persons of "German or related blood."
  • Hitler Names Heinrich as SS Chief

    Hitler Names Heinrich as SS Chief
    Hitler named Heinrich Himmler as SS chief and chief of German police.
  • Jews Prohibited To Give Testimony

    Jews Prohibited To Give Testimony
    In 1937 the jews were not allowed to give a testimony in court.Once the Germans went in trial against them they would end up losing because they couldnt testify for themselves.
  • The Evian Conference

    The Evian Conference
    Thirty-two countries gathered at Evian,France,for a conference convened by President Franklin D.Roosevelt.It was held to dicuss what could be done to help the German Jews.
  • First Kindertransport Arrives in Great Britain(3)

    First Kindertransport Arrives in Great Britain(3)
    Thousands of Jewish parents send their unaccompanied children abroad in order to escape Nazi presecution.The kindertransport was the name of the series of attempts for jewish children to escape the Nazi which resulted as bringing thousands of refugee Jewish children to Great Britain between 1938 and 1940.
  • Mandatory Badges,Mass Murders and Polish Ghetto

    Mandatory Badges,Mass Murders and Polish Ghetto
    Jews in Germany were forced to wear mandatory badges that either had a J for "Jude" or a David Star.To indicate that they were jews.
    Mass murder of disabled Germans was starting to begin.
    First Polish ghetto was established.
    Ghetto-a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.
  • Auschwitz,Warsaw and Lodz

    Auschwitz,Warsaw and Lodz
    The death camp Auschwitz was established. The largest of its kind established by the Nazi regime. It included three main camps, all of which positioned inprisoned prisoners at forced labor.On November 15 the ghettos of Warsaw and Lodz were sealed.
  • Jew Murders,Experiments & Pearl Harbor

    Jew Murders,Experiments & Pearl Harbor
    The mass murders of Jews began.
    Experiments at Auschwitz with gas chambers and Zyklon B.Japan attacked Pearl Harbor;United States declared war on Japan and Germany.Actual gassing of Jews began in mobile vans.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Reinhard Heydrich announced a plan for the "final solution".The plan was to annihilate all jews.
  • Warsaw Ghetto

    Warsaw Ghetto
    Warsaw Ghetto is obliterated after a month of fierce fighting.
  • Jew Killings Quicken and Forced Death Marches

    Jew Killings Quicken and Forced Death Marches
    The killings of Jews quickened at the war's end.Forced death marches were starting to begin.Jews were forced to march long distances in bitter cold, with little or no food, water, or rest. Those who could not keep up were shot.
  • Attempt To Assassinate Hitler(2)

    Attempt To Assassinate Hitler(2)
    German officers attempted to kill Hitler in his East Prussian Headquaters at Rastenburg.Tey planted a bomb in a briefcase near Hitler during a military briefing about the situation on the Eastern Front.
  • Auschwitz Liberated,Hitler Dies,The War Ends

    Auschwitz Liberated,Hitler Dies,The War Ends
    Soviet forces entered Auschwitz;liberation revealed the magnitude of the loss.Hitler commits suicide.Germany surrenders to the Allies on May 7.Japan surrenders on September 2 and the war ends.