The History of Social Studies

By cwick
  • The Begining

    The earliest form of social studies was cultural transmission in the form of patriotic inculcation and blind acceptance of authority. During this time students studied the principles and details of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. History, Civil Government, and geopgraphy were the focuses.
  • Period: to

    The History of Social Studies

  • Developments in the Late Nineteenth Century

    In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the civics programs began to emerge. Students learned large doses of American History that would instill a nantional identity and create a new patriotism. They also learned the structures and functions of the American Government system.
  • A Committee of Ten

    The National Education Association put together a committe "to consider the teaching of History, Civil Government, and Political Economy in the Schools. Here the commitee put forth a set of guidelines that focused on Modern History. There was a new understanding of histroy that was influenced greatly by Harvey Robinson.
  • The Committee of Seven

    The American Historical Association created its own committee that put together a 4 year plan that they consider to be the correct program in Secondary schools in prepartion of college.
  • Social Studies Emerges as a Subject

    Due to the Industrialization in the States peoples beliefs about society and their purpose was challenged and changed. John Dewey and Charles Pierce were the two major contributors to the philosiphical basis that social students education would train citizens in the problem solving and decision making skills and knowledge of the world around them needed to make their lives more reaonable and valuable.
  • NEA Committee on Social Studies

    In 1916 the NEA singled out citizenship as a signifigant outcome of American education. They saw Social Studies as an overarching educational umbrella designed to help children understand the process by which people operate in and with society. Their report placed citizenship at the heart of social studies.
  • Social Reconsructionist Thinking

    An emphasis on teaching students about social reforn and the training of students to take part in social reform was introduced by Harold Rugg.
  • The "New Social Studies"

    In 1960 the federal government funded an array of new projects that became known as the "New Social Studies". The projects put a focus on the students learning of theroies, how to be more investigative, and how to have more critical and reflective thinking.
  • The Bradely Commission

    The National Commission on Social Studies put together a group of historians and history teachers that identified themes to be taught and described in social studies cirriculum.
  • Educational Summit

    President George W. Bush issued a statement intorducing six national education goals. From these goals state standards were developed
  • Definition of Social Studies

    In 1992 the NCSS formally adopted the deifnition of Social Studies that acknowledged civic competence as the central purpose of social studies.