
The History of Poetry

  • Metaphysical Poets

    Metaphysical Poets
    Metaphysical PoetsA liberated group of English lyric poets who wrote about love and religion. The term "metaphysical" is coined by poet and critic, Samuel Johnson. Metaphysical poets only wrote in verses. Their style included similes, metaphors, and wit.
  • Classical Poetry

    Classical Poetry
    Classical PoetryClassical poetry consists of many things such as, intellect, love, and emotions. Within classical poetry, an argument or thought is provoked that stirs up a strong response from readers. Virgil, Homer, and Geoffrey Chaucer are among the many well-respected classical poets.
  • Romanticism

    RomanticismRomanticism emphasized strong emotion as form of rebellion against the Englightenment movement. Romanticsm put the importance upon the individual rather than a group of people. William Blake and Williams Wordsworth are some romantic poets.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    The Harlem RenaissanceDuring the 1920s, a movement began called the Harlem Renaissance and it originated from the Harlem neighborhood in New York City. This time emerged influential African-American artists, musicians, and poets. Writers such as Langston Hughes and James Weldon Johnson wrote poems about the oppression African-Americans were going through and the struggle trying to overcome racial and socio-economic obstacles.
  • Confessionalism

    ConfessionalismConfessionalism dives into the personal issues within the human race. It divulges into the psyche, personal trauma, and other taboo topics such as, sexuality and suicide. Sylvia Plath and Robert Lowell are among the American poets who fall under the confessionalism category.
  • New Formalism

    New Formalism
    New FormalismNew Formalism drawed attention to the traditional forms of poetry in regards to meter, rhyme, and stanzaic symmetry. Popular new formalist poets include Charles Martin and Molly Peacock. New Formalism is also known as "Expansive" poetry.
  • Epic of Gilgamesh

    Epic of Gilgamesh
    [Epic of Gilgamesh](http://<a href='' >Epic of Gilgamesh</a>Epic of Gilgamesh was written between 2750 and 2500 BCE. This poem is the first piece of written literature. It is an ancient Sumerian poem that describes the life of King Gilgamesh while he ruled Uruk which is the modern-day Iraq. The poem, Epic of Gilgamesh, initates the plethora of poems written by ancient Greeks that delivers historical events in the form of poetry.