
the history of jeeps

  • First Jeep

    First Jeep
    based on the Bantam Car Company design, Willy's contracted to build military Jeeps for the war. they made the jeep with different designs like ones with machine guns and ones for lang travel. this allowed the military to be able to move across large amount of land faster than on foot.
  • start of the Jeep CJ (civilian jeep)

    start of the Jeep CJ (civilian jeep)
    the cj line had 7 jeep modles there was the cj-2A, cj-3A,cj-3b, cj-5,cj-6,cj-7 and the cj-8. theses jeep were designed to driven off road. jeep became high demand during the 1945-1985.
  • jeep yj

    jeep yj
    this jeep was built more for the crowd who wanted smother ride than the CJ but also wanted to do the occasional off road. the YJ was the most controversial jeep because it looked like they took the macho look of of it. there was only of other modle of the yj it was the yj-l witch was just a longer version of the yj it had a very short run.
  • jeep tj

    jeep tj
    the tj model gave an even more smother ride than the yj with is coil over axil springs. the tj was high demand because it had better off road capiblitys. ther was an othe rtj model the tj l witch was a longer version of the tj.
  • Jeep JK

    Jeep JK
    the jeep JK is still highly sought out today. the jeeping community now many people modify their jeep.there is another version of the jk it is the jku a 4 door version the the jk.