The History Of Canada

  • Early canada

    Early canada
    In the mid-1800s, canada was a land of colonies. this land was called the British north america.
    This land consistied of Vancouver island, Bc,
    Canada west(ontario), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI,
    NewFoundland, and Canada east(Quebec)
  • Charlottetown conference

    Charlottetown conference
    Nova scotia, new brunswick, And PEI Disscused the possibility of a Maritime union. Quebec and ontario also attended this conference in hopes of uniting all the colonies
  • Quebec conference

    Quebec conference
    The Quebec conference was mostly about politics, and what type of government canada should have
  • london conference

    london conference
    the london conference was one of the most important conferences. it was this conference that lead to the British North American act, which eventually lead to canada
  • First prime minister of canada

    First prime minister of canada
    John A macdonald was a politician for Canada west(now ontario).John A macdonald argued for the unifacation of the colonies for many years. at the time of the confederation he was names canada's first prime minister
  • expanding canada

    expanding canada
    it was around this time that canada started to buy land from the Hudson's Bay company. Mostly the land that was Bought by canada was land Between BC and Ontario
    Also at this time a group of metis Aboriginals near the red river area decided to join canada.
    This ended up creating the Northwest Territories and manitoba
  • BC

    Canada promises BC a Rail link to the rest of the Dominion and the people choose to become a part of canada. this later lead to the creation of the CPR or Canadian Pacific Railroad, which would have great impacts on canada
  • PEI

    As part of the deal that brought PEI into the union, canada had to buy back land from the land owners in britian so that the residants of PEI could then actually own their own land
  • Canadian pacific Railway

    Canadian pacific Railway
    The building of the CPR brought tourists and immigrants into canada and helped open up trade. When canada slowed the progress of the CPR canada threatened to leave confederation.The canadian shield was some of the most difficult terrain to build on. Despite heavy advertising immigrants were not arriving in the numbers expected. when their were insufficient local workers, chinnese workers were brought to work on the most dangerous part of the track.
  • The Riel Rebellion

    The Riel Rebellion
    15 years after the Red river metis joined confederation they had still not seen their land claims recognized or the protection of their rights fulfilled.
    In march Louise Riel set up a parliment after he sent a petition to the government stating metis demands but reciving no reply.
  • Gold rush

    Gold rush
    in 1896 a group of people looking for a missing child found large deposits of gold near Rabbit Creek, yukon.
    the actual mining there was not that great and in the end more money was spent then gained. However, this discovery lead to the immigration of thousands in a short period of time and helped to increase the population of BC, where most of the American prospectors Settled
  • the Yukon

    the Yukon
    During the Klondike gold rush the large number of americans moving into canada Alarmed and scared the Canadian government.
    Because canada feared america would try to take over the area up north to take all the gold. Canada gives the western part of the North west territories their own name. this was the creation of the yukon
  • Saskatchewan and Alberta

    Saskatchewan and Alberta
    Both provences join confederation at the same time after breakong off from the Northwest territories.
    Both provinces needed provincial status for further population and economic growth
  • Newfoundland

    Newfoundland is the last British colony to join canada. People voted in a referendum to join canada and the vote to join won by a very narrow margin
  • nunavut

    this section of the northwest territories decided to become a seperate territory after a vote was taken in that showed the majority of the population wanted separation