
The Great WW1

  • Battle of Argonne

     Battle of Argonne
    The battle of Argonne happened on September 26- November 11 1918 on the western front in world war 1. Ferdinand Foch and the allies were the ones who were fighting in the war at this time. The Germans thought they could beat the American army by attacking more and more, but that didn’t work and retreated before they were held captive. More than a million Americans fought in the battle but they were inexperienced and unorganized. It all ended on November 11 1918(michael ray).
  • Balkan Wars (cont.)

    Montenegro opened by declaring war on Turkey on October 8,1912, and the members of the league followed after 10 days.(The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    The war started because of two successive military conflicts that triggered the ottoman empire. The second conflict happened when the Balkan allies had a quarrel over their conquest. The first Balkan war was fought between the ottoman empire and these four countries: Siberia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro. The Balkan league had 750,000 men on the battlefield(The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated on his visit to Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. It was during 1914 in Siberia, he was assassinated from being hated and hatred from country political reasons. The first assassination attempt did not work and injured a lot of people because the assassin used a bomb to kill Ferdinand. The second attempt failed also because he missed the shot and he ran away from the site. Ferdinand was supposed to go visit and check his officers from the recent.(Greenspan, 2020).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (cont.)

    bombing, but took a wrong turn and went into his death sentence. The assassin that failed to shoot him was luckily found to be with Ferdinand by a bar he ran too and then assassinated him right there and then. (Greenspan, 2020).
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    World war one was also called the great war. Started on June 28, 1914, after the assassination in Siberia that was the archduke of Austria. During the four years of fighting the allies and central powers were at war. About 16 million soldiers and civilians were killed. There was tension throughout Europe and political conflict throughout the countries. The person that killed Archduke Ferdinand was a Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.( Editors, 2021).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian revolution was crumbling in WW1. it was crumbled under the control of czar Nicholas II. They were so poor during the war that they didn't have enough ammunition or guns for the whole army. They sent in people unarmed until they found a dead soldier that had a gun to use. The Russian army had to retreat in 1915 after the German-Austria onslaught that was happening(Kiger, QG).
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    The Lusitania was used for transportation and was secretly a warship. The Lusitania was built in 1906 and was owned by the Cunard shipping line. It was used for carrying passengers around from North America to Europe. It was sunk on May 7, 1915 by German U-boat torpedoes killing 1,195, and killing 128 Americans. The Americans had to take place in WW1 after that attack and killing American riders. (McDermott, 2022).
  • U.S. enters war

    U.S. enters war
    The U.S. had to enter the war after the incident with the German U-boats. Willdro Wilson had to make a plan to have the Americans fight back with the Germans. So his plan was to put out flyers around the states in the U.S. and had to motivate them. The U.S. alliance with Britain and France during the war. They ended the war in 1918 by defeating them in the front lines.(National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Robert Georges Nivelle was in command for the right bank and the commander for the left bank was Henri Berthelot(Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of verdun started in february 21-december 15 1916, the battle lasted for 10 months during ww1. Erich von Falkenhayn won victory for the Germans on the western front. He used 1200 artillery and had to limit the use of the infantry to not lose a lot of casualties. After the allies took over the western front the Germans started to panic and didn't know what to do. They lost some of the land they took over in France and retreated to regroup.(Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    The battle of chateau-Thierry started because the 42nd division of the national guard entered the battle. The date was late July in 1918 when WW1 was still happening. The division went on train after five days of battling, they recovered anything that needed to be treated or whoever was injured and rested for three days until they were needed. (goldenberg).
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry (cont.)

    the 42nd division named “rainbow” went into battle again to fight off and push the German military back to buy some time. They were under the control of Ferdinand Foch during the wars(goldenberg).
  • Battle of somme

    Battle of somme
    The battle of Somme was the most infamous battle in world war 1. This battle was the most gruesome battle in world war 1. Some of the people that were the leaders were Sir Douglas Haig and Henry Rawlinson. This battle had lasted for 5 months. This battle was the first to be recorded and shown in cinemas. (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Zimmermann Note

    Zimmermann Note
    The Zimmermann Note was used by the German army during the war. They sent a letter to Mexico saying that they can make an alliance to defeat America and get their land back. The Russian army found a German naval codebook that they got from a drowned German sailors body. After the British army had a hold of it they decoded the letter and sent it to president Wildro Wilson of the U.S.(National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • The Zimmerman note (conte.)

    The submarine warfare was luckily turned down after this was founded by the Russian army.(National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Russia withdraws from war
    The Russian revolution withdrew from war because of how poor they were and how the German and Austrian onslaught was going to happen if they still fought back in the war. There were a lot of military failures during the war because the Russian revolution did not have any supplies to fight back with. It was also leading them to food shortage during the war because they didn't have any modern machines to help them with farming.(History for Kids, 2023).
  • Russain retreat (cont.)

    They ended their participation in the war after the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Bolshekiv promised that he'll make peace and bread for the whole nation. (History for Kids, 2023).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    The German army was the main thing for the Armistice of WW1. The armistice of WW1 happened because Germans gained territory but tired out their men and the allies pushed them out calling it the 100 days campaign. This was happening in Germany on 11 of November in 1918. The armistice took place in France and the border of Germany. Why they were stopped, because they made an agreement for them to stop the fighting. The agreement, their supplies, and their people dying(Sawer, n.d.).
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed (cont.)

    Some of the central powers were not kept by the allied forces.(National Geographic Society, 2023).
  • The Treaty of Versailles signed

    The Treaty of Versailles signed
    The treaty was signed on June 28, 1919, the treaty was signed in the palace of Versailles right next to Paris, France. This treaty ended WW1 after five years of battle and it finally ended with a lot of tragedies. The treaty of Versailles was out of the requirements for peace between Germany and the winning allies. This treaty was not the only treaty signed but Austria signed a different treaty with the allies.(National Geographic Society, 2023).
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    First meeting of the League of Nations
    The first meeting of the league of nations was on November 15 1920. 41 states had gathered in Geneva for the opening of the first session of the assembly. It represented 70% of the world's population in large portions. There were 63 states that became members of the league of nations, but only a large number only stayed under colonial rule. The purpose for it was to mark a new era of multilateral cooperation. (United Nations, n.d.).