3 pyramids of giza

The Great Pymids of Giza

  • Sarcophagus of Menkaure

    Sarcophagus of Menkaure
    Intresting fact is that in later years this was dug out and sent on a Brittish ship and that ship ended up sinking and no one has seen it since.
  • Information about Menkaure's Pyramid

    Information about Menkaure's Pyramid
    "To set it apart from the others, it's builder tried to encase the lower portion in granite. The effort was possibly stopped by the early death of the king."(gaurdians.net) After he died the work was completed woth mud bricks.
  • Inside Menkaure Pyramid

    Inside Menkaure Pyramid
    Inside of his pyramid there are several chambers also but in his pyramid the rooms are a little larger even though the pyramid is smaller.
  • Menkaure's Pyramid

    Menkaure's Pyramid
    The pyramid of Menkaure is obviously smaller the other two pyramids. This could be because he died before it was completed or maybe because there was not much room left after the others were built.
  • Khafre's Srcophagus

    Khafre's Srcophagus
    "This is the black granite sarcophagus and it was built to be sunken into the floor. The original lid, though no longer attached, lies propped up next to the coffer near the west wall. It is possible that the open niche against the east side of the coffer held the king's canopic chest, the box containing the mummified organs of the king, within ceremonial vases." (gaurdians.net)
  • Another look inside Khafre's Pyramid

    Another look inside Khafre's Pyramid
    Inside Khafre’s Pyramid the highest entrance is around 38 feet above the ground and goes almost to the top of the pyramid and this is where Khafre’s sarcophagus is located. His pyramid has many more chambers and passageways compared to his fathers. (gaurdians.net)
  • Details of Khafre's Pyramid

    Details of Khafre's Pyramid
    The Pyramid of Khafre has walls with angles of 53 degrees, is 471 feet tall and has a base length of 705ft.
  • More From Inside Khafre Prymid

    More From Inside Khafre Prymid
    Inside of Khafre’s Pyramid there were several chambers one of the chambers had a pit in the floor which was said to be the Canopic Chest, that would contain and preserve the organs of the dead Pharaoh. “ Included where jars with, liver, stomach, intestines and lungs. The brain was not included and the heart was left in the body.” (NationalGeographic.com)
  • The Great Sphinx

    The Great Sphinx
    This was built for Khafre, "The Sphinx is carved from the bedrock of the Giza plateau, and it appears that the core blocks used to construct the king’s valley temple were quarried from the layers of stone that run along the upper sides of this massive image. " (NationalGrographic)
  • Khafre's Pyramid the son of Khufu

     Khafre's Pyramid the son of Khufu
    Khafre’s Pyramid was constructed next and was built behind his fathers. I was smaller but appears larger because it was built on an elevation. Khafre’s Pyramid was more complex also than his fathers it included more chambers and tunnels. (NationalGeographic.com)
  • Sarcophagus of Khufu

    Sarcophagus of Khufu
    Khufu's Sarcophagus without a Mummy.
  • A look at Khufu Tomb

    A look at Khufu Tomb
    A carving inside the tomb walls where Khufu was baried. "chapels bearing carved and painted scenes and inscriptions on their interior walls of limestone were added inside the core of mastaba structures." This is a carving of Khufukha, who was a priest and Khufu's son.(touregypt.net)
  • Closer Look Inside & Out of Khufu's Tomb

    Closer Look Inside & Out of Khufu's Tomb
    All three of Giza's famed pyramids and their elaborate burial complexes were built during a frenetic period of construction, from roughly 2550 to 2490 B.C. "The pyramids were built by Pharaohs Khufu (tallest), Khafre (background), and Menkaure (front)".(kilgosancientegypt.weebly.com)
  • Inside Chambers of Khufu Pyramid

    Inside Chambers of Khufu Pyramid
    Inside of his Pyramid were several passageways that were built to help hide where his tomb was. The Pharaoh’s did not want others to easily find where their tombs were. This way thieves couldn’t steal the riches inside the tombs needed for the afterlife. (Pbs.org)
  • Facts about Khufu's Pyramid

    Facts about Khufu's Pyramid
    The Pyramid of Khufu was the tallest structure in the world for 4000 years it is 481 feet tall, weighing 6.5 million tons. The base of the pyramid is 13 acres big with each side is 51 degree angle and each side being 5.5 acres. There are 203 levels of steps to its summit and contains nearly 2.3 million blocks with Average block weighing about 2.5 tons. (NationalGeographic.com)
  • Pyramid Of Khufu

    Pyramid Of Khufu
    Egypt's pharaohs expected to become gods in the afterlife so to prepare them for the next world, they built pyramids which represented a temple to the gods. Included inside the tombs where items for the pharaohs so that they could live in the next world. (NationalGeoagraphic.com)

    The Great Pyramid is the oldest and the largest of the three pyramids in Cairo. The three pyramids were built for The Pharaoh Khufu and for his son’s Khafre and Menkaure. It took only 20 years for all three to be built and they are considered to be the last standing structures left of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. (Khanacademy.org)