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The First World War

By Raffa26
  • First years of the 20th century

    Many contrasts were created by European expansionism and American and Japanese economic interests. In Europe two opposing alliances were born:the Triple Entente(formed by Britain,France and Russia), the Triple Alliance (formed by Austria,Germany and Italy).
  • 1914

    The heir to the Austrian throne,Franz Ferdinand,was assassinated by a Serbian student in Sarajevo,Serbia. So Austria declared war on Serbia and France and Russia went to Serbia's aid.
  • 1915

    Italy entered the war,fighting together with the Triple Entente
  • 1917

    The Russian army retreated and the United States entered the war in support of the Allied Forces,after Germany had launched submarine attacks on American ships
  • 1918

    The war is over
  • 1919

    The victorious nation took part in a post-war summit in Paris. Germany and Austria were considered responsible for the war,so they were excluded from the summit