the fighter of the sientific revilution

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    scientific reviloution

  • Nov 21, 1514

    Copernicus thories

    Copernicus thories
    Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the sun was stationary in 1514
    . This was important to how we studyed stars and planets
  • Jan 1, 1565

    1565 the new pencil

    1565 the new pencil
    1565 A graphite pencil invented by Conrad Gesner.
    was more square and bigger. A few years later in germany the mass production of these pencils started.Also this invention is very important in the to lititure because if you made a mistake you could erase it and it was esayer to writte with.
  • Zaccharias Janssen and Hans

    Zaccharias Janssen and Hans
    1590 the first microscope was made by two Dutch spectacle makers, Zaccharias Janssen and his father Hans. The early micoscoope was very simple.This invintion was a mian reson we can advance in bilology so qiuckly.
  • galileos thermometer

    galileos thermometer
    Galileo invented the first thermometer in the late 1500s. The exact year is not known, but historians estimate that it was around1593.
    this was very impotant because helped with acurcy so you could realy tell how cold or hot it was.
  • Evangelista Torricelli's barometer

    Evangelista Torricelli's barometer
    instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. It was invented in 1643 by the Italian scientist Evangelista Torricelli. this ivention was a very complex to the people of that time.This incetion is one of the ways we can predict weather
  • Newton 1666

    Newton 1666
    newton developed histheories of gravitation in 1666
    and this lead to a lot of what we know today about gravity.
  • Abraham darby iron smelting

    Abraham darby iron smelting
    dec 9th Abraham Darby invented smelting iron.This was a very simple idea but unthought of until then and helped invent manny thing.This was not realy and invention but and idea that lead to manny things such as trains and any thing that was made from meadal.
  • Thomas's engine

    Thomas's engine
    1712 Thomas Newcomen patents the atmospheric steam engine. at the time this engine was not quite ready to pull large amount but it was impoved alot to get to what we have now.this is the reason we have the trains we use today.
  • Edward's diving bell

    Edward's diving bell
    december 9th 1717 Edward Halley invented the diving bell. this is not a actual bell this was a hevy chamber witch would have air in it then it would sink so divers could stay under longer.the diving bell is important in the stuy of fish and the coral reff
  • Electical capasitor

    Electical capasitor
    Von Kelist invented the first compasitor. it was like a weaker verson of what we have now and it was now as eficent