Wooly mammoth

The Extinction of the Ages

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    Dinosaurs were a mighty creature, with claws, spikes, and their massive size, there’s really no telling what they are capable of. Dinosaurs lived on earth for about 165 million years, and became extinct around 26 000 000 BC. We can’t be really sure how they became extinct, but Scientists do have a few theories, including one about meteors destroying them. Although the dinosaurs have all been killed off, they live in the hearts of many present-day kids. these 3 dates aren't right on the pop-up
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    Saber-Toothed Tiger

    Saber-Toothed Tiger
    In the prehistoric times, these fearsome felines roamed the globe. The sabre-toothed tiger was about the size of a modern-day lion. Most of them killed themselves by wading into tar while hunting buffalo. They became extinct in approximately 7 986 BC. Again, another strange story of extinction, but certainly not one to forget.
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    Wooly Mammoth

    Wooly Mammoth
    Tens of thousands of years ago, the woolly mammoth roamed the earth. Unfortunately, these mammoths had very bad timing, as they were killed off in the Ice Age during the separation of Pangea. The last one died around 1 800 BC. The woolly mammoth was actually one of the last species of mammoths around.
  • Great Auk

    Great Auk
    Great Auks were a very beautiful bird, until they became extinct. The great auk was a penguin-like bird that was nearly 3 feet tall. They were killed to be used for food & bait. The last one ever was killed in Scotland in 1840 because it was thought to be a witch. Although a bit silly, the story of the great auk’s extinction is one of the most unfortunate stories yet.
  • Dodo Bird

    Dodo Bird
    In the 17th century, the innocent dodo roamed the island of Mauritius. Dodo birds were round, stubby birds, who became extinct due to pigs and dogs which had been brought to the island killing them and ruining their habitat. Dodos are still quite a common fascination of people around the globe today. The last of them died in 1879.
  • Quagga

    Zebras are black and white, right? Not all the time! The Quagga was a brown zebra species, looking somewhat like a donkey. They hunted for meat and hide. The last one died in Amsterdam, 1883, but scientists are still trying to resurrect it.
  • Passenger Pigeon

    Passenger Pigeon
    Plummeting downhill from the most common bird in America in the early 1900s to extinct, the passenger pigeons have one of the strangest stories of extinction! They travelled in flocks of about 100-500, making them very vulnerable towards hunting. They were killed off by humans shooting them from the sky for food because (apparently) they tasted like chicken. Crazy, but true.
  • Golden Toad

    Golden Toad
    Golden toads were found in high-altitude places in Costa Roca. They were fluorescently coloured and very beautiful. The last one died in 1989, as it was eaten by a primitive species of dog. They were mostly killed off due to global warming and fungal skin conditions
  • Tasmanian Tiger

    Tasmanian Tiger
    Not exactly a Tasmanian devil but pretty close! The Tasmanian tiger was a marsupial native to Australia about 1 000 years ago. It looked something like a cross between a dog and a tiger. Sadly enough, they were killed off by farmers trying to protect their own livestock from being eaten. The last Tasmanian tiger died of old age in 1993 in a zoo.
  • Baiji White Dolphin

    Baiji White Dolphin
    One of the most recent extinctions is that of the Baiji white dolphins. Baiji white dolphins looked like a cross between a dolphin and a tiny swordfish. The Chinese dolphin was native the Yangtze River. Unfortunately, they were killed off by hunters and fisherman. The last one died of old age in 2007.