
The Evolution of Rail Travel

By kw1021
  • Jan 1, 1550

    Wagon Ways

    Wagon Ways
    Wagons pulled by horses and humans had their wheels on iron tracks to reduce friction when traveling.
  • Steam Locomotives

    Steam Locomotives
    George Stephenson designs the first steam engine locomotives on rails. Later, steam powered engines would quickly replace all horses and humans.
  • The Spread

    Entrepreneurs during the 1830s began to run their own railway, and railroad tracks began to expand throughout the country as well as in foreign country.
  • The Pacifoc Railroad Act

    The U.S. Congress passed two Pacific Railroad Acts. Designed to foster the construction of a transcontinental railroad, the acts offered financial assistance and rewards to railroad companies building a railroad linking Omaha, Nebraska, with the California coast.
  • The First Transcontinental Railroad

    The First Transcontinental Railroad
    Workers from the East met up with workers from the West at Promontory, Utah, marking the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad.
  • The Longest Railway in the World

    The Longest Railway in the World
    The Trans-Siberian Railroad was completed. It stretched from Moscow all the way to the Far East of Russia.
  • The First High Speed Rail

    The First High Speed Rail
    The Tokaido Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka in Japan began its operation in time for the Tokyo Olympics.