The events that led to the Civil War

  • The Missouri Compromise

    In the development years after the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, Congress was pressured to create a plan to model the growth of slavery into the new western land. Missouri’s request for statehood as a slave state sparked a hard national debate. Except the deeper moral issue created by the growth of slavery, the addition of pro-slavery Missouri lawmakers would give the pro-slavery group a Congressional most.
  • Nat Turner’s Rebellion

    A slave named Nat Turner stir up a revolution that grew through a few of plantations in southern Virginia. Turner and almost seventy people killed around sixty white people. The government send military and weapon to stopped the revolution after two days of fear.
  • The Mexican War Ended

    America was gave western lands,Congress let the people to pick in Utah or New Mexico. This power of a state to decide whether it would let slavery was called popular sovereignty.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act was passed as part of the Compromise of 1850. This act required any federal official who did not stop a runaway slave at fault to pay some money.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin was the second best selling book in America in the 19th century, second only to the Bible. Its selling brought the issue of slavery to life for those few who keep stay after decades of lawmaking clash and expand the division between North and South.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, hardly passed while Congressmen use weapons send death warnings in the House chambers. They reverse parts of the Missouri Compromise by allowing the settlers in the two lands to decide whether or not to allow slavery by a popular vote.
  • Charles Sumner is Attacked by Preston on the Floor of the Senate

    One of the most famous event in Bleeding Kansas was on May 21, 1856. Border Ruffians raid Lawrence, Kansas which was known to be a trusty and free state. One day later, violence happened on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Pro-slavery Congressman Preston Brooks attacked Charles Sumner with a cane after Sumner given a speech about attacking the pro-slavery sides for the violence occurring in Kansas.
  • John Brown Raided Harper's Ferry

    Anti-slavery violence happened in Kansas. On October 16, 1859, he with a group of seventeen including five black members to raid the armory in Harper's Ferry, Virginia. His goal was to start a slave revolution using the weapons get from the armory.