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The Events of Marijuana's Past and Present

By Addie
  • Marijuana Becomes Nationally Criminalized

    Marijuana Becomes Nationally Criminalized
    In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, becoming the first Federal law that brought attention to the issue of marijuana use as a recreational drug.
  • Before the Marijuana Tax Act

    Before the Marijuana Tax Act
    Before the year 1937, Marijuana, or Hemp, had been farmed and used for cloth, food, and various other normalities. When people discovered that it had recreational potential, the drug became very popular. The use of it on an everyday basis probably had the greatest effect on the way people viewed the drug. It also probably made it seem more normal and less like something that could potentially harm someone's brain.
  • Period: to

    The Span of Illegalization and Legalization

  • Controlled Substance Act of 1970

    Controlled Substance Act of 1970
    This law repealed the Marijuana Tax Act and placed marijuana in the same place as LSD, ecstasy, and heroine as a Schedule I Drug.

    The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws is an interest group that supports the legalization of marijuana, so that all adults have the right to smoke, possess, sell, and domesticate marijuana. They have been fighting for legalization since 1970.
  • Medical Marijuana

    Medical Marijuana
    In 1996, California became the first state to legalize the medical use of Marijuana. This was under the Compassionate Use Act.
  • Colorado Legalizes

    Colorado Legalizes
    In 2012, Colorado became the first state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis/ hemp/ or weed.
  • 2018 Legalities

    2018 Legalities
    As of the present day in 2018, recreational use of marijuana is allowed in Colorado, Washington, Alaska, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Vermont and Oregon.

    The recent introduction of the Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States legislation has made it a possibility for the Federal prohibition of marijuana to disappear, leaving the power up to each state.