the epic road to revolution

  • Period: to

    causes of revolution

    this is thy epic timeline by thy HOLY ONES about the causes of the revolutioniary war between the colonists and the english
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    After the war England was in debt so they beganto tax the colonists. The colnists thought this was unfair.
  • The Proclamati on of 1763

    The Proclamati on of 1763
    England banned the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Montains.Colonists believed they could settle where ever they please. The colonists ignored this tax because the British could not enforce it.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    British put a tax on sugar and moleasses and did harsh things to smugglers.James Otis coins the phrase "taxation without representation is tyranny.Colonists boycotted british goods.The colonists sent a petition.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Required colinists to house and feed British soliders.Their rights as english citizens have been violated. Some colonists refused to let british soliders into thier houses.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Colonists had to buy an additional stamp for documents such as contracts, wills and news papers. The tax was unfair is what the colonists thought. The colonists burned stamp paper and then they formed the Stamp Act Congress.
  • Town Shend Act

    Town Shend Act
    British began to tax goods while imported. They taxed goods such as glass ,teal ,lead and paper. The Writs of Assistance allowed officials to search cargo. This is still a tax. Colonists smuggled goods into colonies.
  • The Boston Massacure

    The Boston Massacure
    In Boston 5 American men were killed and 7 were wounded by british soldiers. an Arican-american lad named Crispus Attucks was the first man shot in the starting of the Revolutionary War. Cololnists were enraged about this. The British did this because the colonists were throwing sticks rocks and shnow balls.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The colonists destroyed 90,000 pounds of tea during the Boston Tea Party (342 crates). 116 in this event each container weighed about 400 pounds .$1,000,000 is what the tea would've cost in modern time ,but it cost 10,000 pounds to the British. 5000 colonists watched this event.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The colonists were forced to buy tea from British East India Company. Colonists say that the tea is still taxed( 3 pense per pounds). They also think that the company who to sell tea to.Put colonial tea merchants out of buiseness.Giives British monopoly on tea.
  • CoerciveActs / Intolerable Acts

    CoerciveActs / Intolerable Acts
    This closed the Port of Boston until the tea was paid for. Trials were moved to engaland.It banned town meetings. This act strengthened the quartering act.
  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    This event started with british troops being sent to concord.Then the Sons of Libertylearned of this. Then the first rider, Billy Dawesbeings his ride warning of the british.Then Paul Revere saw signal that indicated the british were coming by sea (two lanters).After this Paul Revere egan his ride saying "The Regulars are coming". Then both Revere and Dawes were captured by the British. After this Sam Presscott finished the ride to Concord from Lexington warning the British are coming.
  • Battle of Lexingtonand Concord

    Battle of Lexingtonand Concord
    On this battle there was 700 British troops thated headedto Concord to seize ammunition. There was 77 minute men waiting there for the British. The minute men were told not to fire unless fired at.When the Btiish fired they had killed 7 farmers. This was called "The shot hearh round the world". This ended the peace making and started The Revolutionary War.