13 colonies

The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585-1732

  • First English colony was established

    First English colony was established
    First English colony established at Roanoke.
  • Jamestown was established

    Jamestown was established
    John Smith other English settlers establish Jamestown.
  • Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

    Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth
    Pilgrims land at Plymouth.
  • New Netherland becomes New York

    New Netherland becomes New York
    The New Netherland becomes the state of New York.
  • Massachusettes Bay Colony was discovered

    Massachusettes Bay Colony was discovered
    Puritans found Massachusettes Bay Colony.
  • New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Delaware was colonized

    New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Delaware was colonized
    New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware states are colonized.
  • King Phillips War

    King Phillips War
    Puritan colonies fought as brutal war with the Native Americans.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    The demand of Nathaniel Bacon which caused a Rebellion in 1676.
  • Colony of Georgia is found

    Colony of Georgia is found
    Colony of Georgia os founded by James Oglethorpe.