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Canals and Railroad!

  • Begining of Transportation

    Begining of Transportation
    Robert Fulton created the first major advancement in water transportation. He tested the first steam-engine boat in the Hudson River. Fulton doing this made it easier for farmers to participate in the market economy.
  • Negatives about the Steamboats.

    Negatives about the Steamboats.
    The rivers had limitations for trade bases. Boats could only go as far as the river did. This is when people began the thought of Canals and moving the rivers. Canals made it where the river could be redirected. The first major canal was the Erie Canal and as 364 miles long.
  • Benefits of Steamboats.

    Benefits of Steamboats.
    The steamboat cut the travel time in half at this period of time. This went from man-power of the boat to engine-power of the boat. The steamboat traveled up to 5 miles per hour.
  • Pick up of Railroads.

    Pick up of Railroads.
    Railroads completed what the canals and railroads had began. They did this by tying the United States together economically by transefering goods quicker than the steamboats.
  • Benefits and Defects.

    Benefits and Defects.
    Railroads brought more people westward so they could began the expansion and sttlement of new territories. It was also cheaper for the railroad to transport people nad goods.
    As they moved further west it pushed the Indians further and further away. This crushed the native culuture and took their land right out from under them.The railroads polluted and destroyd ecoysystems that we can not get back now.
  • Better or Worse?

    Better or Worse?
    The railroad milage had equalled the canals mileage by this time. They were more flexiable, faster and more reliable. same cost. They were already able to move four times the amount of freight as the steamboats.