The Early Asian Dynastys

By 9218343
  • 200


    Serdardura... , Serdardura... . "ancient writing." Online Image. Dreamstime. July 23rd, 2011. 2/21/12
  • Period: 400 to

    Zhou dynasty

    They created a new political system that put the emperor in charge, lords below, and pedants/farmers last.
    lasted from-
    1100bc - 771bc
    1100bc - 771bc
  • Feb 23, 600


    Georgios , Georgios . "the chosen one." Online Image. dreamstime. No date. 2/22/12 <
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Feb 23, 1400

    Han dynasty

    Lui bang, a peasant that became the ruler, knew the hard ships of being a pesent, there fore wanted to create a new political system. in this time many achivments happened.
    it lasted from-
    205bc - 220 ac
    205bc - 220 ac
  • Feb 23, 1200


    clarita , clarita . "freedom." Online Image. morguefile. 05 20 05. 2/23/12
  • Period: Jan 1, 1420 to Feb 23, 1531

    Sui dynasty

    After the han kingdom declined they restored balance, however they did not last very long. They also started the grand canal project that would link north and south china for trade.
    It lasted from-
    589- - 618
  • Feb 23, 1500


    ilse , ilse . "cannal." Online Image. morguefile. 01 27 12 . 2/23/12
  • Period: Jan 1, 1540 to

    Tang dynasty

    They had the first and last female emperor wu. She was a brave and warful leader but captured much territory.This was a time full of art. Most poets and art pieces were created during this time. it lasted about 300 year but specific dates were not given.
  • Tang

    clarita , clarita . "poetry." Online Image. morguefile. 05 08 05 . 2/23/12
  • Period: to

    Song dynasty

    Reunited the kingdoms after many corruptions. Possibly Their biggest achievement was making the first paper money. They also invented movable type which made a portable way to write.
  • Song

    jdurham , jdurham . "money." Online Image. morguefile. 04 04 09. 2/23/12
  • Period: to 400

    Shang dynasty

    They were one of the first to create a advanced writing system. They also created many war items including the chariot.
    lasted from
    1500 bc - 1100bc
  • Qin

    penywise , penywise . "whip." Online Image. morguefile. 08 14 08 . 2/22/12
  • Period: to

    Qin dynasty

    Shi huangdi, an emperor that was very strict and cruel, helped make many great constructions happen. He was over thrown though, because he had made himself hated.The leader buildt the great wall of china.
    It lasted from-
    221bc - ???