The Discovery Of DNA DeCanio Keri and Brown Shannon

  • Friedrich Miescher

    Friedrich Miescher
    he was the first to identify DNA as a distinct molecule. the isolation of the nuclein form the nucleus of the cell was a major contribution in the discovery of genetic code. the DNA made the nuclein 50%acidic while the attached proteins made it 50% basic. it’s interesting that he is also known for demonstrating that carbon dioxide concentrations in blood regulates breathing.
  • Fredrick Griffith

    Fredrick Griffith
    he showed us that bacteria can distinctly change their function and form through transformations. the discovery was called the transforming principle and through his experiments. avery and his coworkers found that the transformation of the bacteria was due to DNA. griffith used two strains of streptococcus phenomena. these bacteria’s infected mice which was his favorite animals which is very interesting.
  • Barbra McClintock

    Barbra McClintock
    she discovered that genes could move from place to place on a chromosome she was the foremost cytogenticist in the world. best known for her research and resulting meones on a “jumping gene”
  • Oswald Avery Maclyn McCarthy and Colin McCleod

    Oswald Avery Maclyn McCarthy and Colin McCleod
    they discovered that dna carries a cells genetic material and can be altered through transformation. they showed that dna can transform the properties of cells. clarifying the chemical nature of genes. they identified dna as the transforming principle. it contributed because periviously scientists thought that traits like this were carried by proteins and that dna was to simple to be the make up of genes which is very interesting.
  • Linus Pauling

    Linus Pauling
    became known as the founder of molecular bio due to his discovery of the spiral structure of proteins. his discovery contributed to watson and cricks break through of the dna double helix. it’s interesting that he won a nobel prize for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the eludidation of the structure of complex substances.
  • Erwin Chargraff

    Erwin Chargraff
    he discovered that the amount of ads in and thymine in dna were roughly the same as were the amounts of cytosine and guanine. his discovery that dna is the primary constituten of the gene thereby helping to create a new approach to the study of the biology of heredity. it’s intresting it later became known as the first of chargraffs rules.
  • Alfred Hershey and Martha Case

    Alfred Hershey and Martha Case
    they helped to confirm that dna is genetic material. they grew phages in a medium containing radioactive sulphur. this marked all the proteins of the phage radioactive. then they used this this phage to infect bacteria. they contributed by providing phage dna was the genetic material and not proteins. it’s intresting that they determined that a protective protein coat was formed around the bacteriophage.
  • James Watson and Francis Crick

    James Watson and Francis Crick
    watson and crick used stick and ball models to test their ideas on the possible structure of dna. they discovered the double helix the twisted ladder structure of dna. it’s intresting that james loved birds and initially studied them. francis died of colon cancer.
  • Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl

    Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl
    they conducted an experiment that supported watson and cricks hypothesis that’s a replication was semi conservative. meselson also campaigned against chemical and biological weapons. stahl was elected to the national academy of science.
  • Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

    Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
    they were also a part in discovering dna double helix they shared the nobel prize with watson and crick. it’s intresting that the determination of the structure deoxyribonucleic acid. contribution by helping discover the double helix.
  • Paul Berg

    Paul Berg
    he is known for recombinant dna technology which is the joining together of dna molecule from two different species. ronald reagan presented him with the national medal of science in 1983
  • Frederick Sanger

    Frederick Sanger
    he created the danger sequencing method. this is a dna sequencing process that removes an oxygen atom from the ribonucleatide such a nucleatideis called a deoxynucleatide. sanger continues the process. sangers family was well to do and no and his siblings were taught by a governess.
  • Katy Mullis

    Katy Mullis
    she invented what is called PCR. or polymerase chain reaction it is a technique that allows a specific streton of dna to be copied billions of times in a few hours. after getting a PHO and writing fiction he became a baker but later went back into science
  • J. Craig Venter

    J. Craig Venter
    he pioneered new techniques in genetics and genomes research and headed the private sector enterprise celera genomes in the human genome project. he’s known for reading the first draft sequence of the human genome and assembled the first team to infect a cell with a synthetic chromosome. instead of going to college he moved to southern california and spent as much time surfing and party as he could.