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The Discovery of America

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    On October 12 1492 Columbus discovers a new world. While they where exploring the new land they were met by Native Americans.
  • James Town was Discovered

    James Town was Discovered
    On May 14th 1607 James Fort was discovered. It was the first permanent English setlment.
  • New Ambserdam was established

    New Ambserdam was established
    It was located on a Manhattan island on Netherlands territory. Today it is known as New York.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    This colony was created by a company called Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was finaly sucessful with 20,000 people.
  • The Albany Congress first met

    The Albany Congress first met
    The congress mostly debated Benjaman Franklin's Albany plan. There were 12 colonies that where there discussing the plan.
  • French and Indian war started

    French and Indian war started
    The war was fought between Grate Britten and France in North America. The war is also known as The Seven Years' War.
  • The Battle of Fort Duquesne started

    The Battle of Fort Duquesne started
    The Battle of Fort Duquesne was a British assault on the French. They led 6,000 troops to fight. with those troops they won the battle.