The Cuban Revolution

  • The First Phase of the Cuban Revolution

    Fidel Castro's rebels attack the Moncada Barracks in Santiago and the barracks in Bayamo.
  • The Castro Brothers Imprisoned

    Fidel and his brother Raul survive the battle, Fidel is sentenced to imprisonment for 15 years and Raul is sentenced to 13 years, in the Presidio Modelo prison.
  • Period: to

    The Cuban Revolution

  • The Castro Brothers are Freed.

    Under political pressure, the Batista regime freed all political prisoners in Cuba,
  • Fidel Receives Training from Mexico.

    Castro brothers join with Mexico to prepare a revolution to overthrow Batista. Received training from Alberto Bayo.
  • Fidel joins forces with Argentina.

    In June, he met and joined forces with Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara. They named themselves "26th of July Movement" because of the initial attack.
  • Granma Arrives in Cuba

    The yacht arrives in Cuba carrying the Castro brothers and 80 other members of the 26th of July Movement. Lands in Playa Las Coloradas. The rebels make way to Sierra Maestra mountains. Batistas army kills most of the Granma participants,
  • Fidel Survives Again.

    Fidel and Raul both survive the attack, along with Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos. They form the core leadership for the guerilla army.
  • Group of Revolutionaries.

    A seperate group of revolutionaries stormed the Presidential Palace in Havana, trying to kill Batista and decapitate the regime. Attack fails.
  • U.S. Support

    The U.S. begins to support the Cuban government.
  • Fidel Plans to Attack Again.

    After the defeat of Batista's Ofensiva, Castro forces began their own offensive. The plan to attack 4 fronts, Santiago de Cuba, Granma, Guantánamo and Holguín.
  • Battle of Santa Clara

    Fidel attacks the city of Santa Clara. Batista flees to Dominican Republic. Fidel captures the city and a new president is in office by January 3, 1959. Manuel Urrutia Lleó
  • Castro finally beats Batista.

    Castro finally overthrows Batista. Replaces his regime with Castro's revolutionary government.