The crucible 9306

The Crucible by Arthur Miller

By Maya01
  • Act Two pg.487-493

    Act Two pg.487-493
    Act Two to summerize John Proctor goes to dinner with his wife Elizabeth. As well as hale visiting Proctor to talk about whose been mention in the connection with witchcraft. Abigail
  • Act Two pg.494-498

    Act Two pg.494-498
    Act Two summerize Proctor loses his temper and rips the warrant. As well as Abigail and her troop achieved and unusual level power and authority. Proctor’s intense dilemma over whether to expose his own sin to bring down Abigail is complicated by Hale’s decision to visit everyone whose name is even remotely associated with the accusations of witchcraft. Hale wants to determine the character of each accused individual by measuring it against Christian standards.
  • Act One pg.461-464

    In Act One to summerize these pages talked strictly about the witch hunt and the heavenly combat between Lucifer and the Lord and the witch hunt was not a mere repression and the Lucifer and the Lord was miserable toward the general revenge.