Civil war soldiers

The coming of the Civil War

By Blake22
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    This was a group of people helping slaves escape to the north. The government has to create the fugitive slave law to keep the southerners from getting mad but this did not stop the brave abolitionists from using the railroad, This angered southerners and led to the civil war
  • The fugitive slave law

    The fugitive slave law
    This law made it so if a runaway slave escaped to the north or free states, that slave catchers could go into the state and take them back to there masters. This was causing trouble with abolitionists because they were trying to free the slaves. This would lead to tension between abolitionists and slave owners which would be a cause of the civil war.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    Slavery was slowly dying until a creative man named Eli Whitney invented the Cotton gin which increased the amount of cotton u can produce from 5 pounds a day to 50 pounds a day. This increased the need for slaves which would later lead to problems with the north and south.
  • Period: to

    The coming of the Civil War

  • United states ban slave trade

    United states ban slave trade
    Importing African slaves is outlawed, but smuggling continues. This makes it diffucult for southerners to get more slaves to increase there profits in the south. This would be a cause of the civil war.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This was an agreement passed to make all states below the 36 parallel a slave state and anything above a free state. Missouri will be made into a slave state and Maine a free state. This was a band aid for the situation that will later break and lead to the civil war.
  • Tarrifs

    Congress raises tariffs with the Tariff of Abominations. The tariffs are designed to support American industry and in that way are successful greatly benefiting the northern industrial economy, however the tariffs are damaging to the southern agricultural economy. This would force the south to secede and start the civil war
  • The liberator

    The liberator
    January - William Lloyd Garrison publishes the first issue of the abolitionist journal, the Liberator. This would get readers into the cause and lead to the civil war.
  • Mexican war ended

    Mexican war ended
    With the end of the Mexican War, America was going into western territories. This was a problem, as these new territories would be admitted as states, would they be free or slave? This would cause tension between north and south and be one of the events that led to the civil war.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This book was written in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stowe was an abolitionist who wrote this book to show the evils of slavery. This book, which was a best seller at the time, had a huge impact on the way that northerners viewed slavery. It helped further the cause of abolition and even Abraham Lincoln recognized that this book was one of the events that led to the outbreak of the Civil War.
  • The kansas/Nebraka act

    The kansas/Nebraka act
    This act nullified the missouri compromise because it gave kansas and nebraska vote whether they wanted to be free or slave states. This angered the southerners because they wanted everything to be equal. This act created very violent tention between the two sides which formed a civil war
  • Bleeding kansas

    Bleeding kansas
    Bleeding Kansas came about after the Kansas nebraska act, which made it so the people of kansas got to choose whether kansas would be free or slave. so abolitionists and pr slavery southerners flooded into kansas and had an all out war. This was one of the events that would lead to the civil war.
  • Charles Sumner is Attacked by Preston on the Floor of the Senate

    Charles Sumner is Attacked by Preston on the Floor of the Senate
    Violence occurred on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Pro-slavery Congressman Preston Brooks attacked Charles Sumner with a cane after Sumner had given a speech attacking the pro-slavery forces for the violence occurring in Kansas. This would be an event that led to the civil war.
  • The dred scott decision

    The dred scott decision
    The United States Supreme Court decides, seven to two, that Blacks can never be citizens and that Congress has no authority to outlaw slavery in any territory. This angers abolitionist and blacks. This made people want to fight which will lead to the aoutbreak of the civil war.
  • Lecompton Constitution Rejected

    Lecompton Constitution Rejected
    In 1857, the Lecompton Constitution was created allowing for Kansas to be a slave state. Pro-slavery forces supported by President James Buchanan attempted to push the Constitution through the US Congress for acceptance. However, there was enough opposition that in 1858 it was sent back to Kansas for a vote. Even though it delayed statehood, Kansas voters rejected the Constitution and Kansas became a free state. This would make southerners mad and lead to the civil war.
  • John Brown/ Harpers Ferry

    John Brown/ Harpers Ferry
    John brown was an abolitionist who led a group of 21 men to take weapons from harpers ferry which had an armory full of guns. There hopes were to start a slave uprising against pro slavery southerners but ended badly with all 21 men being killed and John Brown being Hung for treason against the states. This would spark the fuse to agressive tension in the north and south
  • Abraham Lincoln elected

    Abraham Lincoln elected
    Abraham Lincoln of Illinois becomes the first Republican to win the United States Presidency. Southerners didnt like lincoln because he didnt support slavery. This would cause the south to secede and start the beginning of the civil war.