
The Colony of New York

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    The Colony of New York

  • Apr 1, 1524

    Giovanni de Verrazon

    Giovanni de Verrazon
    Giovanni de Verrazon Italian explorer working for the king of France was the first man to see Manhattahn, but was unable to explore the island because of the storm. This same year the king of England forbidid Henry hudson to returnb to Netherland.
  • Explored Lower Bay

    Explored Lower Bay
    Henry Hudson ship sailed to lower Bay of New York.
  • Dutch and Indians Trade

    Dutch and Indians Trade
    In 1610 the trading between the indians and the Dutch began. They dutch would trade gold for precious furs.
  • Amsterdam Fort

    Amsterdam Fort
    In 1614 the Dutch will finish creating a fort and the fort will be called Amsterdam.
  • Granted Charter

    Granted Charter
    Under pressure the Dutch granted charter to a group of english merchants, because England was claming the New World as theirs. Those merchants than formed the Dutch West India Company.
  • Settelers

    The Dutch emigrants started setteling in Manhattahn island, the where also the first people to settele in Manhattahn island.
  • Settlements

    Dutch settelments began to be constucted by the Dutch West India Company.
  • John Underhill

    John Underhill
    John Underhill and his paid follower sued for peace which began in 1645. The new director found thatq offensing and he was sent back from where he came from. On the way back his ship sank and he perished.
  • Dutch War

    Dutch War
    During this time period the British ships destroid the Dutch merchants ships. These events all lead up to war between England and Holland.
  • Gift to Duke of York

    Gift to Duke of York
    English King Charles 2 presented a gift which included Netherland to his brother, James who was the Duke of York.
  • Captured Colony

    Captured Colony
    The english captured the colony from the dutch. They soon named the colony New York.
  • War Ended

    War Ended
    Their finally became peace between the English and the Dutch. New Yorks population increased drastictly because many New Engladers arrived so that they will be able to purchase real estate.
  • Regain Control

    Regain Control
    The Dutch sent ships with troops to New York and acomplished to regain control.
  • New Orange

    New Orange
    England and France returned the New Orange to the English.
  • New York

    New York
    New York was officialy granted a representative style of government.
  • James, Duke of York

    James, Duke of York
    James the enlish King Charles 2d brother, became owner of a property of government.
  • Mutual defense and Government

    Mutual defense and Government
    Seven of the 13 colonial assembelies met at Albany, where they decided their right for mutual defense, and government. Their idea was rejected instantly.
  • New York

    New York
    Nearly 100 people calles New York homeby the 1770. Also the capital of Albany became hubs of growing independince in Americas Colonies.