The Cold War

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Office of the Historian Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin met together at Yalta, a resort town in the Crimea. During this meeting, they discussed the future of Germany. People believed that the U.S- Soviet cooperation would continue even after the war.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    Iron CurtainWinston Churchill travels by train with Harry TUman t deliver a speech in Missouri. There was a crowd of about 40,000 listening. In this speech he talks about the famous "iron curtain" which represents the communist progression throught eastern Europe. Many actually consider the speech the beginning of the Cold War.
  • Berlin Declaration

    Berlin Declaration
    Brlin DeclarationThe western powers met with representaitves of the German government. In this, the Germans agreed to toal surrender and submition to the Western powers that had won the war. THey signed four doctuments, the first one bieng known as the Berlin Declaration, where they confrm their unconditional surrender.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Office of the HistorianHarry Truman, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin meet again, this time in Germany. They discuss post war terms, such as how to deal with Germany. They decided to demilitaralize it, and in doing so many factories were shut down. There had also been many dsagreements between the allies. This was the last meeting that the allies held.
  • North Vietnam

    North Vietnam
    North VietnamVietnam is split in half at the 16th parallel, in order to disarm the Japanese and make them weaker, following the defeat of Nazi Germany. The Chinese and British help with this plan as well. The prupose of it was to restore French power once again in Vietnam.
  • Greek Civil War

    The Greek Civil WarGreece was run by a faacist-style dictatorship under Metaxas in the 19th century. As soon as he died in 1941 the Soveits took advantage of the situation and took control of the country. They formed the National Liberation Front, and those who opposed this formed the National Republican Greek League. Both parties fount each other.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy
    ContainmentThe containment policy was created by Kennan in 1947. He introduced this idea anonymously through a newspaper. In it, he talked about not exterminating communism, but stopping its spread and keeping it where it aready is. Many believed that this basic idea wouldn't be anough and that communism posed an even greater threat than they believed he knew. Others said he was being too defensive. Either way, the basic idea of not allowing its growth came to be accepted.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall PlanThe purpose of the Marshall plan was to provide polictical and economic stabilityu in europe. Through the plan, thousands of poeple were fed and given basic necessities to survive. The results if the plan were extraordinary. Europe's economy grew at an exponential rate, and the United States gained political popularity in Europe.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Berlin Blockade The Berlin Blockade was an attempt by the Soviets to force communism on the Germans. They wanted to starve and deprive them into submission. In response, the United States and Great Britian flew in food and basic necessities into Berlin.The blockade lasted 321 days and about 270,000 flights were made in that time.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Berlin AirliftThe Berlin afirlift was the western power's response to the blockade. They delivered 2,326,406 tons of food and other necessities to the Germans living in the area. At the airlifts's peak, planes were landing on Germany every 90 seconds to deliver what was needed. The Soviets did not fight back for fear of begining s war.
  • NATO

    NATOThe North Atlantic Treaty was formed in 1949. Comprising of terriorty from North America and Europe, the objective of this alliance was to protect each other from invasion. It formed in response to the Soviet Union capturing satelite countires and forcing them into the Soviet Union. NATO still exists today.
  • Second Red Scare

    Second Red Scare
    2nd Red Scare After World War II, a familiar fear spread across America once again. It was that of the threat of Communisim. Manyfelt as though it would spreadacross the world, over throwing democracy and capitalism as it went. To this this, there were secret investigative groups set up across the natoin.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Korean WarThis war was one of the first major battles in the name of containment. The war occured on the 38th parallel, on the 25th of June. It occured because of the division of Korea- the North and South. The North became a communist dicatorship under the control of the Soviets while the South was under control of the Americans.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
    Julis and Ethel Rosenberg were both American-born citizens in the 1900s. Julis Rosenberg worked in the Army Signal Corps while Ethel worked in a secretarial job. Both met through the Young Communist League, where they got married three years later. When the secret of them being members of the American Communist Party, they were put to trail. Both were found guilty of giving nuclear weapon secrets to the USSR and sent to death and executed on the 29th of March.
  • Eisenhower Presidency

    Eisenhower Presidency
    EisenhowerEisenhower became the president of the United States in 1953. He worked to try and relax the tentions between American and the Soviet Union. He also obtained a truce in Korea, which brought an armed peace throughout the boarders of South Korea.
  • Nikita Khrushchev

    Nikita Khrushchev
    Nikita KhrushchevNikita Khrushchev was a leader in the Soviet Union Communist Party. He used tactics to take down any political enemies. Druing his presidency, he "de-Stalinized" the USSR by promotiong a more relaxed system and allowing people to express their opinions more openly. He also released waves of prisoners. He played a huge role in the Cuban missile crisis in that he came of with the idea of placing them in Cuba.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    WarsawThe Warsaw pact was a military alliance between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries. It was created to counterbalance NATO. The Soviets hoped that the Pact could help to contain Western Germany and reach agreements with NATO. They also made most decisions within the pact.
  • The Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis
    Suez The Suez Crisis arose from Britain's refusal to fund Egypt's contruction of the Aswan High Dam. This was a result of Egypt's growing positive relationship with the Communist Czechoclovakia. In response, the president declare the Suez canal as a nationally owned dam and sent troops to it. This would stop all petrolium from entering Britain. The response to this was military action from Great Britain.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    Hungarian Rev in 1956, Hungarian citizens rose up against their occupying Soviets. All in all, the revolts did not end up well for the Hunagrian citizens, In the weeks of the uprisings, about 3,000 Hungarian men, women, and children were killed by the Soviets.
  • Sputnik I

    Sputnik I
    Sputnik 1Sputnik was the first Soviet launched Earth satelite. The launch changed a lot within politics, the military, technology. It also helped to rush scientific developments. Many feared this launch, believing that the Soviets could launch missiles from europe with this new technology.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution
    Cuban Rev Many poeple were unhappy with their current president at the time, Fulgencio Batista. Of these people was Fidel Castro. He was a revolutionary who, with groups of people were able to take down Batista and begin a new regime of dictatorship. In response to this, the United States established an embargo on the nation. Castro claimed not to be a communist dictator, however his involvement with the Soviet Union proved otherwise.
  • U2 Incident

    U2 Incident
    U2U-2 spy planes were planes owned by the CIA that flew over Russia to take high resolution pictures of the country. Many believed the Soviets did not have the technology capable of shooting one down. Howver, on May 1st, a plane piloted by Francis Gray Powers was taken down by the Soviets, and the pilot was captured by them. He was later traded for a captured Soviet spy.
  • Kennedy Presidency

    Kennedy Presidency
    JFKWhen the United States was faced with choosing a new president, it was mostly concerned with affairs with the Soviet Union. Kennedy, who was running won with an overwhelimg vote despite his Catholic faith and lack in foriegn affarirs. He claimed he would get the nation moving again, and would prove to be one of the best presidents.
  • First Man in Space

    Space On the 12th of April, the Russians accomplished a spectacular feat. It was that of the first man in space. His name was Yuri Gagarin. Americans were beat in this race, however they did send their own man less than a month later.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Bahia de CochinosThe Bay of Pigs was the US inavion of the Bahia de Cochinos (literally translates to bay of pigs) by CIA-backed exiles. The US hoped to gain popularity and take down Castro's regime. However, they were quickly defeated by Castro's army. Castro also took over US oil refineries and businesses.
  • Checkpoint Charlie

    Checkpoint Charlie
    Checkpint Charlie The Charlie Checkpoint was part of the Berlin Wall. It served to informe and register members of the Western Military Forces before entering Eastern Berlin. It also inofrmed tourists entering into the East, but didn't check them. They were granted a one day entree.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was a barrier built by the German Democratic Republic. It separtated West Berlin from East Germany. The wall included anti- vehicle traps and other measures to assure that massive emigration does not take place. The German Democratic Republic also wanted to assure that any communist enemies did not cross to their land.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    JFK Assassination John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he made his way through Main Street in Dealey PLaza. He was shot in the neck and head. The president was rushed to a nearby hospital. However, nothing could be done for the president, and he died soon after.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Gulf of Tonkin THE Gulf of Tnkin Resolution was ajoint resolution passed on August 4th. It allowed an increased amount of US ivolvement in the war between north and south Vietnam. The joint resulted from US ships on the Gulf of Tonkin being attacked by North Vietnamese soldiers.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Vietnam War In 1961 South Vietnam made a military pact with the United States. During the war, the US began to have air raids over North Vietnam,a dn any areas of south Vietnam that were communist controlled. It provided support and aid to the sout h Vietnamese, however they did not end up winning the war againste the North, which had been recieving help from the Soviet Union.
  • SALT I

    SALT I
    SALT SALT was the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks between the US and the Soviet Union. In short, the point of these talks was to come to agreements with the each other aboutthe nuclear arms race. There were hopes to somwhow restrain this and allow each side to relax a little more. The first agreemens were signed by the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Nixon Presidency

    NixonRichard Nixon became the 37th president in 1969. He set out to improve relations with the USSR and end the American involement in Vietnam. His accompishments revolve around revenue sharing, end of draft and new anitcrime laws.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11Apollo 11 was a mission that completed goals set by John F. Kennedy iin 1961. It was to experiment the composition of solar wind and also included a siesmic experiment. It launched from Cape Kennedy in 1969.
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

    UNODA The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is a treaty that aims at keeping peace within the world. Its main objective is to ensure that nuclear weapons and technology arenot used in harmful ways. It also promotes countries to worktogether for this.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    PPA The Peace Paris Accords was an agreement between North and South Vietnam to try and come to a conclusion and bring the war to an end. Averell Harriman and Xuan Thuy , the U.S. and North Vietnamese emissaries met in Paris to try and find a solution to the war in Vietnam. It was decided that Americans had 60 days to leave and that a ceasefire would take place between both sides. The treaty was ineffective.
  • Yom Kippur War

    YK War The Yom Kippur War was an event that took place in the middle east. It began on te day of YomKippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calandar for prayer and fasting. The Arbs attacked Israel on this day, while theirguard was down. To try and find a solution to this problem, the UN sent peace talkers to the most affected parts of the war.
  • Dentente

    Dentente Dentente is French for "a relief of tension'. It is used to describe the moment ofrelaxation between the Soviet Union an the United States. Both countries benefitted through this by means of trade. It was also easier to get the USSR to make agreements, since the growing antagonism that existed between Russia and China.
  • Korean Airline Flight 007

    Korean Airline Flight 007
    KAL On September 1, 1983, Korean Airlines made a flight from New York back to Seoul. It veered off course, mistakenly flying over Soviet territory. The Soviets sent a message to the plane, to assure them that it was not spy nor offensive. Recieving no word back, the Soviets shot it down, killing all 269 members aboard.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre
    6/4 The June fourth incident occured because of a series of protests and demonstrations in China. The Chinese governemnt reacted to this by sending in troops to whaever this was occuring- such as Beijing. The troops openly fired at the public, and anyone who stood in their way.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Fall of the Berlin Wall The Berlin wall was built back in 1961. It stod for two decades before being taken down by the East German Communist governement. They now allowed people to easily cross the boarder to the West. A mass of people gladly crossed the boarder, some even taking the wall down themselves.
  • Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    Dissolution of the Soviet Union
    Fall of the USSROn December, 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved. The 15 states that ran under this governement fell apart. This dissolution was a resilt of the loss of influence communism held over its people, most of which who were not even racially Russian. The dissolution was considered a victory for the west, and a demonstration of how capitalism is superior to socialism.