The Cold War

  • The Cold War begins

    Cold War 1945-1960
    Right after WWII, the tensions were high between US and the Soviet Untion. The Communists were led by the Soviet Union while Democratic countries where led by the United States. With all the fighting and anger between them, a war was started again. US and Soviet Union represented two different types of government. US believed in free trade and the Soviet Union did not. There was also power rivalry, because each country wanted to "dominate".
  • Winston Churchill delivers the "Iron Curtain Speech"

    Iron Speech SummaryIron Speech Video On March 5th 1946 Winston Churchill gave The Iron Curtain Speech at Westminster College, in Fulton, Missouri. The term "Iron Curtain" was used to symbolize the seperation of territory . The speech changed the way the western democracy viewed the eastern communists when Winston noted "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent."
  • The Marshall Plan is created

    The Marshall PlanThe Marshall Plan was created to aid Europe after WWII. Millions of people were lost, injured or killed .Buildings, and transportation infrastructure were in shambles, and there were a lot of agricultural problems. The United States was probably one of the only countries that was not majorly affected. 16 nations became part of the program, ( ERP= The European Recovery Program) The European nations received nearly $13 billion in aid, which helped their economy recover.
  • NATO treaty is created

    NATO The NATO trreaty stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.It is an allience between 26 countires of Europe and North America to peace and security of the North Atlantic region. It was created to safeguard the freedom and security of the members.
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    The Korean War

    Korean War Video The Korean War website The Korean war was between North Korea and South Korea.It went on from 1950-1953. It started when soldiers from North Korea invaded South Korea. The United States and the Untited Nations aided South Korea, while China and the Soviet Union helped North Korea. There was no clear victory. In 1953, North Korea and South Korea signed a peace agreement, ending the war.
  • Soviets attack with first atomic bomb

    First Attack After getting rid of a soviet spy that worked with the bombs the United States succesfuly denotated the world's first 10.4-megaton thermonuclear hydogen bomb into the Elugelab Atoll in the Pacific Marshall Islands
  • The Warsaw Pact is written

    Warsaw Pact Website This treaty, written Warsaw, was between twenty six countries: Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, United States, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, West Germany, Turkey, and GreeceIt was officially called 'The Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance'. This was a military treaty in which the countries aided each other if there was any trouble with other foreign countries.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis Website On October 16, 1962, spy planes that were flying over Cuba discovered nuclear missile sites that were under construction. These missiles were capable of reaching the US. President Kennedy ordered a blockade around Cuba. Tensions were high between the Soviet Union and the United States. On October 29, Khrushchev, the Soviet Union leader, announced that they were withdrawing the missiles from Cuba. This was the closest the world had ever come to a nuclear exchange.
  • End of the Cold War

    Fall of the Berlin Wall WebsiteFall of the Berlin Wall The fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the Cold War. The Wall was built to prevent talented Germans from premanently moving the west part of Germany, Ronald Reagan gave the famous speech, " Tear down this wall" to urge Russian President Gorbachev to bring down the wall so that the Germans could have more freedom. The wall was taken down and the two parts of Germany became unified, ending the Cold War.
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    The USSR is dissolved

    Fall of the USSR
    During this year, the USSR (also known as the Soviet Union) was dissolved. It left the fifteen republics of the Soviet Union as independent sovereign states. The USSR didn't have a central economic planning: They went bankrupt. It also dissolved because the member countries wanted to restore their individual power. Overall, communism was not a good idea and it turned out to be a failure. It was one of the ways that the Cold War ended.