753px zoppi antonio 1860 1926 rococo music scene

The Classical period

  • Music in the Classical period

    Music in the Classical period
    The music of this periodbwas a reaction to Baroque overlaborate ornamentation. Characteristics:
    It was balanced, clear and bright, without excessive ornamentation
    It aimed to find a musical language to express formal perfection
    It used musical forms with well-defined structures
    It emphasised the melody, using short musical phrasesthat were symetrical.
    The use of a simple harmony
    The use ef melody-dominates homophony
  • Opera

    Experimented multiple changes:
    The plots were a closer reflection of the lives of the audiences.
    The music reflected the dramatic action and the characters
    The chorus became more relevant
    Became more important
  • Classical period in Spain

    Classical period in Spain
    The Classical period coincided with the englihtened depotism of Carlos III and Carlos IV
    Famous composers Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga, Fernando Sor, Luigi Boccheneri, Vicinte Martín y Soler
  • Orchestra

    The classical orchestra adapted to the new instrumental forms. The harpsichord and basso continuo stop being used. They were substituted by the French horn, piano and clarinet and the bowed strings section became more important.
    The huge number of musicians meant that a orchestra conductor was needed, an orchestra condustor coordinates everybody´s movement.
    Larger concert halls were built