The Civil War timeline by Stephanie Jara, Victoria Franco, Diana Delgado

  • Lincoln's path to the presidency

    Lincoln's path to the presidency
    Abraham Lincoln was in a one room cabin near Louisville, Kentucky. He had a lifelong effect on his feelings on slavery.
  • A frontier upbringing

    A frontier upbringing
    He was a white southerner and they held no slaves. opposition of slavery was one of the reasons the lincoln family moved from Kentucky to the indiana territory
  • Lincoln's early political career

    Lincoln's early political career
    Lincoln began the first of four terms in the illinois general assembly while he studied the law at home.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The senator introduced a compromise plan that would preserve the balance of power.
  • The Kansas - Nebraska act

    The Kansas - Nebraska act
    The Kansas Nebraska act became a law which organized Kansas and Nebraska territories. It also used popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery
  • The Election of 1856

    The Election of 1856
    The events in Kansas dominated the election of 1856. The democrats won the election by characterizing the republicans as extremists on the slavery issue.
  • Dred Scott decision

    Dred Scott decision
    Scott V sanford a slave sued for freedom arguing living of free soil made him free
  • Marais des Cygnes Massacre

    Marais des Cygnes Massacre
    A pro slavery gang guns down 11 unarmed antislavery settlers
  • John Browns raid

    John Browns raid
    Brown was executed and northerners saw him as a hero.
  • beginning of civil war

    beginning of civil war
    The first shot of the civil war was shot where confederate artillery opened fire on Fort Sumter.
  • Blockade runners

    Blockade runners
    The union ironclad monitored confronted the Virginia in the worlds first battle between ironclads. The battle ended with no winner but changed naval warfare forever.
  • African Americans and the war

    African Americans and the war
    President lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation. The document free enslaved people in all areas that were in rebellion against the United States.
  • Gettysburg

    The historic three day battle of Gettysburg. The union had about 23,000 casualties out of some 85,000 soldiers.
  • Civil rights act

    Civil rights act
    This bill gave African Americans citizenship and guaranteed them the same legal rights as white Americans.
  • Southern reaction

    Southern reaction
    A group called the ku klux klan formed in 1866 and terrorized African Americans. Some whites supported their rights.
  • Republicans in charge

    Republicans in charge
    To protect African American voting rights republicans quickly pushed the fifthteen amendment through congress.
  • Economic changes

    Economic changes
    Most freedmen and poor white southerners were share croppers.
  • Reconstruction ends

    Reconstruction ends
    State goverments could not control the violence, congress passed the enforcement act during 1871.
  • Discontent with reconstruction

    Discontent with reconstruction
    Liberal republicans helped democrats regain power in congress.
  • Discontent with reconstruction

    Discontent with reconstruction
    Depression began and turned republican leaders attention away from reconstuction.