Charlotte’s Timeline

  • The gunpowder plot

    The gunpowder plot
    The day guy fawkes was taken into custody after he got caught red handed in the cellar of the parliament With loads of gunpowder. Guy fawkes was tortured until he confessed and after he confessed they still killed him by hanging him until he suffocated.
  • Restoration

    The day people decide to have a monarchy After Oliver Cromwell dies. They put Charles ll As the king. When he became king he restored parliament which Cromwell dismissed indefinitely.
  • Montesquieu writes the Spirit of laws

    Montesquieu writes the Spirit of laws
    Montesquieu wrote a spirit of laws book that was all about how nobody had more power than another person, everyone should have the same amount of power.
  • James Hargreaves spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves spinning Jenny
    During the industrial revolution, the spinning Jenny was one of the key developments in the industrialization of textile manufacturing during the early Industrial Revolution. The machine used eight spindles onto which the thread was spun
  • John ll comes into power

    John ll comes into power
    When Joseph’s father died, he became the co-ruler of his mother, mother Theresa, then he became ruler. When he became ruler he abolishes serfdom, limited power of the Catholic Church, and ended press censorship. He died in February 20, 1790.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The storming of the bastille was when the Revolutionaries stormed the bastille which was originally a prison at first but then was later used to store gunpowder so the revolutionaries stormed it to get ammo and gunpowder. They also ended up freeing some of the prisoners which wasn’t there original plan.
  • Night session

    Night session
    The nation assemble meets at Paris to discuss what they should do and what decisions they should take one decision was the 1st and 2nd estate could no longer have privileges.
  • Womans bread March

    Womans bread March
    it was when women rioted over the price of bread and the scarcity of it. They marched all the way to Versailles and kicked king Louis and the queen out, and took them to Paris with them. It wasn’t fair for the king and queen to be living happily while the others were Living badly.
  • The royal family attempts flee

    The royal family attempts flee
    As you know when the women bread march happened the king and queen were forced to go to Paris. The king and queen got tired of staying at Paris so they decided to flee back to Versailles. There plan didn’t work because they got caught and forced back to Paris. After this they were living as if they were imprisoned.
  • Industrial revolution spreads to the U.S

    Industrial revolution spreads to the U.S
    Samuel slater is the reason why the industrial Revolution got to the U.S.A. He brought textile machine to America even after Britain told him not to. In America he became father of the American industrialization while he was callers Samuel the trader in Britain.
  • Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin
    The cotton gin made the slave’s work so much easier. It greatly increased the productivity of processing cotton. Even though this invention was a success, Whitney didn’t really get much money off of it.
  • King Lous XVI Execution

    King Lous XVI Execution
    One day after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sentenced to death by the French National Convention, King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.
  • James watts invents interchangeable parts

    James watts invents interchangeable parts
    Interchangeable parts were originally made for guns. James watts wanted to make it so that instead of throwing away the whole gun you can just switch out parts. He is the reason why we don’t have to throw out machines away just because of one broken part. You can take out the broken part and replace it with another one.
  • The Louisiana gets sold to the U.S

    The Louisiana gets sold to the U.S
    The Louisiana purchase was when Napoleon sold the Louisiana territory for money. He sold the territory to the U.S and the president that signed it was president Jefferson.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor
    Napoleon crowned himself to basically show that nobody was above him and that he would not be controlled by anyone. The person who was originally supposed to crown him was the pope. He was proclaiming himself as the highest of them all
  • the law to stop slave trade gets passed

    the law to stop slave trade gets passed
    One of the main reason Britain decided to abolish slavery was because the slave trade was overtaken by a more profitable use of ships. This was one of the first and most successful public campaigns in history. It was signed into law by President George Washington on March 22, 1794. They used a slogan that said “am I not a man or a brother?”
  • Napoleons first exile

    Napoleons first exile
    After the battles, France was under threat so they chose to abdicate Napoleon and send him to Elba which was his first exile. When they abdicated him he said he pull step down for his son but they rejected that offer and sent him to Elba where he later escapes.
  • Erie canals are completed

    Erie canals are completed
    Canals made people lives easier because it created more water ways for ships. It triggered a large-scale commercial and agricultural development as well as immigration.
  • Samuel Morse invented the Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invented the Telegraph
    Samuel Morse who created the Morse code, invents a telegraph that changed people’s lives. The telegraph allowed people to send messages directly. Before the Telegraph people would send messages by sending messengers and it would take like a month to get back to you.
  • Micheal Sandler introduces a bill in parliament

    Micheal Sandler introduces a bill in parliament
    Micheal Sandler introduces a bill in parliament that proposed limiting hours to 10 hours for children. The parents got angry when they heard this because they needed the money. In order for Michael to actually enforce it, he had to interview a lot of people in the factory to see if they have a problem with it.
  • Samuel Morse invents the Morse code

    Samuel Morse invents the Morse code
    Morse Code refers to either of two systems for representing letters of the alphabet, numerals, and punctuation marks by an arrangement of dots, dashes, and spaces. Morse Code was especially pivotal during the second World War because it greatly improved the speed of communication.
  • John Deere creates the steel plow

    John Deere creates the steel plow
    John saw a steel that was broken and when he saw it he took it home and made it into a plow so then it became a steel plow. In many areas the plows required 8 yokes of oxen to be able to pull the plow through the land. To carry his legacy there is a company named after him that does construction and etc.
  • 1st opium war

    1st opium war
    The 1st opium war was a war fought between Britain and China. The main reason why this war happened was that the British didn't want to stop sending opium to china after they kept on telling them that they didn't want it and that it was causing addiction to the people in China. Great Britain won which means that the trade continued and Hong Kong was given to the British
  • The penny black

    The penny black
    The penny black is the world’s first postage stamp sold for one penny, which explains why it's called the penny black. It gets released in Britain, featuring a profile portrait of Queen Victoria. It gets very popular and loved later than it's copied in other countries, and the stamp is used for 40 years.
  • The vaccination act

    The vaccination act
    This was when children who were born august 1, 1853 had to get vaccinated, and if the parents refused they would have to get imprisoned. The vaccination was for smallpox which was very common back then.
  • The sepoy mutiny begins

    The sepoy mutiny begins
    The sepoy mutiny started when the British east India company made the sepoys (Indian soldiers) bite off the gunpowder cartridges. The cartridges were dipped in cow/ pig fat which was forbidden in India. The Sepoy attacked some British officers at the Garrison which led them to be taken in prison for a long time. The anger led the sepoys to shooting the British officers. Now Mughal emperor is now in power.
  • "On the origin of species" Is published

    "On the origin of species" Is published
    "on the origin of species" is a controversial book by Charles Darwin. This book presented his natural selection and questioning the theory of creation. lots of people mostly Christians didn't like it because it was controversial and it was questioning God's creation.
  • Emancipation proclamation

    Emancipation proclamation
    The emancipation proclamation was when Lincoln freed all slaves and ordered The enlistment of black soldiers. The proclamation said "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." Although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation, It captured people’s hearts and Basically changed the character of the civil war.
  • Lincoln’s assassination

    Lincoln’s assassination
    Abraham Lincoln gets shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. And dies because he doesn’t gain any consciousness after getting shot,
  • Thomas Edison invents the 1st light bulb

    Thomas Edison invents the 1st light bulb
    even though it wasn't completely made by him, Edison developed/invents the light bulb, the first practical electric incandescent lamp. This lightbulb revolutionized indoor lighting and forever separated the light from the fire.
  • The berlin conference

    The berlin conference
    The berlin conference was a conference held to regulate and end competition between European and Africans. The conference forbid slave trade and they split up Africa which gave Britain and France most of the land. The interesting thing about this conference is that they made all of these decisions without any African person being present.
  • The Eiffel tower is opened

    The Eiffel tower is opened
    The main purpose of building the Eiffel tower was for a world's fair held in honor of the french revolution centennial. Even though it was meant to be there for a temporary time (20 years) a lot of people hated it to the point where they started signing it. As it kept impressing a lot of people they decided to keep it up and not destroy it. They also built a radio on top of it.
  • Alfred Dreyfus gets transported to the devils island

    Alfred Dreyfus gets transported to the devils island
    Alfred Dreyfus is taken to Devil's Island because he was accused of being the traitor that was giving information to the German embassy. They accused him because he had kind of the same handwriting and the person started with a D so they immediately thought it was Dreyfus. He was on Devil's Island for 10 years living a miserable life that he didn't deserve.
  • The Boer war

    The Boer war
    A war fight between the British and the boers (African Dutch settlers). This war was fought due to the conflict between the British and the Dutch settlers. The conflict is that the Dutch settlers would not grant any political rights to the British. Britain won this war
  • The Boxer rebellion

    The Boxer rebellion
    This was an uprising by the peasant in china that was attacking foreigners and the Christian missionaries because they believed that the foreigners and particularly the Christian missionaries were taking away their Chinese culture and traditions. This rebellion didn't do any good for China, in fact, it weakens china and made them pay for the damages.
  • Victoria dies

    Victoria dies
    Victoria died in 1901 leaving her oldest son to carry her legacy until he died in 1910 so he didn't really stay on the reign for a while. With
    victoria being dead, the victorian era ended with her because that's where the name even came from.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth gets signed

    Treaty of Portsmouth gets signed
    This treaty ended the Russo-Japanese war which was a war between Russia and Japan. one result of the war was that Manchuria was returned to China and allowed for Japanese control of the Korean peninsula. This treaty was signed by all parties on Sept. 5, 1905, at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in Kittery, Maine.
  • The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination happened in Balkans when a Serbian-nationalist terrorist Group called the black hand sent out a group to assassinate Ferdinand. This assassination was called “the spark” because it led people from other countries to come in line and defend their alliances which made it a even bigger situation. So basically the killing sparked events that led to the outbreak of the war.
  • The Christmas truce

    The Christmas truce
    This truce was when Belgian and France decided to put their guns down and spend Christmas together. Most people like the commanders didn’t want this because they felt that they wouldn’t get back to fighting. This truce was something that didn’t happen very often so it was considered a miracle
  • Armenian genocide

    Armenian genocide
    This genocide was between the Armenian empire and the Ottoman Empire. This genocide happened mostly because the Ottoman Empire joined the Armenians but the Armenians religion was Christianity while the ottoman empires religion was Muslim. Tension started coming up when the Armenians were being better than the Ottoman Empire, they were better educated and were also more wealthier which made the Ottoman Empire jealous. This made the Ottoman Empire want to kill every Christian Armenian.
  • The sinking of the Lusitania

    The sinking of the Lusitania
    The sinking of Lusitania was when a German u-boat sunk and killed a lot of people and over 200 Americans. This event is important because it was one of the major reasons why America joined the war. The Americans became angry that the Germans sank a ship full of passengers without provocation.
  • The execution of Mata Hari

    The execution of Mata Hari
    Mata Hari was an exotic dancer who was accused of being a German spy. She danced with men especially soldiers to try to get information out of them. she was accused of revealing details of the Allies’ new weapon, the tank, resulting in the deaths of thousands of soldiers. Later on she got executed by a firing squad at Vincennes
  • The armistice is signed

    The armistice is signed
    The armistice ended the hostilities between the allies and Germany at 11 o’clock on November 11, 1918. it was the agreement which stopped the fighting on the Western Front while the terms of the permanent peace were discussed. However, fighting continued in several places during and after that time, including on the Western Front.
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    The main purpose of the treaty was to put Germany in charge of staring the war. Germany had no say in the negotiations, they were just there to be quiet and sign the treaty. Germany lost a lot of things including territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization. However, this treaty didn’t satisfy the other countries they felt that they didn’t get what they deserved.