The Civil War: Hunter Stone, Ryan Thurman, Sean Olson, Ben Pack

  • Thesis

    Although the Civil War did not end racial tensions and discrimination itself in America, it paved the way for the decimation of racist policies in both the North and the South through the election of anti-slavery legislators and pro-Union polititians, like Lincoln himself, and the total suppression and defeat of the Confederacy.
  • Harper's Ferry

    A raid led by John Brown on Harper's Ferry munitions depot. He was in need of firearms to arm slaves in Kansas as well as other adjacent Slave states. Though the raid failed, it inflamed sectional tensions, and made the 1860 election ever more vital.
  • Lincoln's Election to Presidency

    It was the 1860 election in which it was Lincoln v. Douglas. Lincoln got 180 electoral votes and Douglas got 130.
  • First Secession

    They first state to secede was South Carolina. This was the start of the Confederacy.
  • Formation of The Confederacy

    The southern states that seceded create a government at Montgomery, Alabama, and the Confederate States of America are formed.
  • Lincoln's Fisrt Inaugural Address

    Lincoln announces that he would safeguard slavery where it exitsed but prevent its expansion. He also claimed that secession was illegeal and vowed to use military force if necessary to preserve the Union.
  • Fort Sumter

    The beginning of the Civil War when Confederate artillery opened fire on Union-controlled Fort Sumter in the middle of Charleston Bay. Though not considered the first official engagement, the Fort was surrendered to the Confederates after one day of bombardment, but suffering only one casualty on the Union side. Military forces then mobilize for the coming war.
  • Last Secession

    The last state to secede from the Union was Tennessee.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Geeral McDowell with 30,000 Uion troops marches south to meet a Confederate army of 22,000. The Union had been routed in a surprise victory by the Confederate force.
  • Election of Jefferson Davis

    Jefferson Davis is appointed the first President of the Confederate States of America at Montgomery, Alabama, a position he will hold until elections could be arranged.
  • Surrender of Fort Henry

    The loss of this southern fort on the Tennessee River opened the door to Union control of the river.
  • First Confederate Congress Convenes

  • Moniter vs.The Merrimac

    First Ironclad battle in history. This is arguably the most important naval conflict in the war.
  • The Confederacy's First Military Draft

    The draft was largely opposed by the men called upon, so official turnout was low. In response to the low turnout rate, the Confederate government used agressive tactics and forced men into the army.
  • The Preliminary Proclamation

    Using the Battle of Antietam as a Union victory, President Lincoln issues a preliminary emancipation proclamation.
  • Lincol's State of the Union Address

  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincoln legally abolishes slavery in all Confederate states. Even though the proclamation itself did not have enough backing to force the Confederacy into giving up its slaves, Union forces who encountered slaves freed them and sent them North as "Contrabands".
  • Split of Virginia

    The state of Virginia split into two seperate states, Virginia and West Virginia. The split was caused by half the state being pro-slave and the other half being against slavery, making up the two states they are today.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    The purpose of the battle was actually to attack to city because there was large shoe factory and the Confederate army needed shoes. After the largest battle of the civil war, the defeated Confederate army retreated south. The Union now turned the tides of war, gaining the upper hand. From here on, the North fought on the offensive.
  • Fall of Charleston, South Carolina

    William T. Sherman's forces capture Charleston after burning and destroying two-thirds of the city. Sheman then marches on to Atlanta, Georgia, all the while waging total war along his warpath.
  • Lincoln's Second Election

    Peace Democrta almost had the election until the fall of Atlanta. Because of this victory, Lincoln overwhelmingly won the election.
  • The Fall of Atlanta

    Union forces capture the city of Atlanta, Georgia along with its railroads and supply lines, giving the victory Lincoln needed to win the 1864 election. From there, Union forces under William Tecumseh Sherman commenced the March to the Sea towards the city of Savannah.
  • The Capture of Savannah

    The Confederates stationed at the city had already fled before William T. Sherman's forces arrived, leaving it and its 25,000 bales of cotton no defense against Union capture.
  • Lincolns Second Inuagural Address

    Lincoln expresses his sincere sadness over the carnage of the war and his desire for the war to end. He aslo calls for a "binding of the nation's wounds" and for charity for "him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan", all while leaving the war for God Himself to settle if it be a punishment for the attempted rendering of the Union, or for the blood shed due the institution of slavery.
  • Confederate Law Authorizing the Enlistment of Black Soldiers

    The Confederate Congress finally allows the enlistment of black soldiers in a desparate move to bolster its army.
  • Battle of Appomattox

    This battle marked the end of the Civil War. General Robert E. Lee was surrounded by Union troops and after hours of fighting, surrendered. This was Lee's third and final defeat, ending the final major resistance in the South.
  • Conclusion

    The defeat of the Confederacy and the election of anti-slavery and/or pro-Union politicians during the Civil War helped bring an end to racist policies in the US due to the fact that, most importantly, slavery itself was abolished, and that the post-war legislation passed by Congress helped protect the rights of new freedmen, such as the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments.