
The civil rights movement

  • Brown v. Board of Education

    In the supereme court case (Brown v. Board of Education) the supreme court makes any legal school segregation unconstitutional.
  • Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks sits in a white passangers seat and she resfuses to give up her seat to a white passanger. This was the start of the bus boycott
  • Buses are integrated

    The montgomery Bus boycott finally ended in deember, resulting in the montgomery buses being fully integrated.
  • Civil rights act of 1957

    The civil rights acto of 1957 is passed by the congress. The act authorizes the Justic Department to look into cases of African Americans being deprived of their voting rights.
  • Lunch Sit-in

    four african american men, who were students, sat down at a whites only lunch counter to order coffee. they were denied service, but it did not stop the students from stting there until the store had closed. this was the start of multiple lunch sit-ins
  • Albany Movement

    Civil rights activists take part in a series of protests, that happened in albany, Georgia, later called the Albany Movement. They Marched through albany
  • March on Washington

    The march on washington occured in washington D.C where nearly 250,000 people walked over washington. Here, Martin luther king jr. delivers is famous "I have a dream" speech.
  • Civil RIghts Act of 1964

    The congress passed the Civil Rights act of 1964. THis act bans discirmination in public places and in employment against blacks.
  • Voting rights act.

    President Johnson signs the Voting RIghts Act into law, Which illegalizes all discriminatiory voting requirements, such as requiring literacy test before registering to vote, which was previously used by white Southerners to prevent black southerners from voting.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    President johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968. This act prohibits discrimination by renters or sellers of property.