The Cause of the American Revolution

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    The French and Indian war

    The French and Indian War was apart of a larger global conflict called the Seven Years War.Both countries wanted access to the profitable fur trade business and the cheap fertile land west of the Appalachian Mountains. Although the British lost majority of the initial battles they ultimately won the war. The war caused relations to worsen between the British and the Colonists. The colonists were angry with the taxes they were forced to pay.
  • The Proclamation Line

    The Proclamation Line
    The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British Board of Trade under King George III of England after the French and Indian War in order to accomplish several main goals. The goals were to establish governments for their new territories gained after the war, to encourage peace between colonists and remaining Indians tribes and to keep colonists confined to the coasts for purposes of easier taxation and trade with the mother country.
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act
    The British Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764 in order to help pay for their debt from the French and Indian War as well as to pay for the troops guarding the Proclamation Line of 1763. It forced the colonists to pay a 3 cent tax on goods like sugar, coffee, indigo and certain kinds of alcohol. The colonists were not happy with this law because they had no say in parliament. The slogan “No Taxation without Representation” became popular in the colonies
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act in order to support the British soldiers protecting the Proclamation Line. The Stamp Act required that a stamp purchased by the British government had to be placed on all important documents like court papers, newspapers and even playing cards. The colonists were outraged because they were paying for troops that wouldn't let them on their land they had just fought for in the French and Indian War and they still had no representation in Parliament.
  • The Townshend act

    The Townshend act
    The Townshend Acts taxed imported items such as paper, glass, paint and tea. The English Parliament passed this act to cover costs of the French and Indian War, as well as to show that they still had power over the colonies. The colonists were outraged with this act so they held public demonstrations, boycotted products and smuggled in goods. Parliament eventually decided to repeal this act because of colonial protests.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre, known as the Incident on king street by the British, was nan incident on March 5 1770,in which british army soldiers shot and killed people while under attack by a mob.The colonist used this event to their advantage. They had their first”protest” as where they march of the deaths of the colonist that died and the ones that were hurt lead the protest. This made the british end all taxes except for tea.
  • The tea act

    The tea act
    The tea act was created to help the East India Tea Company.The act’s main purpose was not to raise revenue from the colonies but to bail out the floundering East India Company, a key actor in the British economy. The British government granted the company a monopoly on the importation and sale of tea in the colonies. The colonists had never accepted this, they started to protest on the act, their resistance in taking the tea lead to the boston tea party.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    This act of American colonist served as a protest against taxation. Seeking to boost the troubled East India Company, British Parliament adjusted import duties with the passage of the Tea Act . While people living in Charleston, New York, and Philadelphia rejected tea shipments.In Boston, on the night of December 16, 1773, Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty boarded three ships in the Boston harbor and threw 342 chests of tea overboard.This resulted in the passage of the Coercive Acts in 1774.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    The intolerable act was many laws passed by the British parliament. Parliament was fed up with colonials acts, after they saw the destruction of 342 chests of tea belonging to them.They were so mad they passed 5 laws on the colonists.The Intolerable Acts became a rallying cry for patriots in America. They felt these acts took away some of their basic freedoms. In many ways, these acts helped to unite the colonies and pushed them one step closer to revolution.
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    The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the Thirteen Colonies who met from September 5 to October 26, 1774 at carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania early in the American Revolution.On September 5, 1774, delegates from each of the 13 colonies except for Georgia met in Philadelphia as the First Continental congress to organize colonial resistance to Parliament's Coercive Acts.
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    The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The battle of lexington and concord were the first military engagement of the american revolution.British soldiers start to march to lexington to steal their weapons from lexington.That night Paul Revere warned Lexington “The british are coming”,So by in the morning when the soldiers got their,minutemen were lined up ready to go.It was unclear who shot first .After their unsuccessful look for the weapons they headed back home. But they got surprised by patriots ready to fight(battle of concord).