The Bubonic Plague

  • Jan 1, 1331

    How it was caused.

    The plague was caused by Yershia Pestis Bacteria, which was spread by Oriental Rat Fleas living on black rats round on merchant ships in the Mediterranean.
  • Jan 1, 1341

    Who it affected?

    The Bubonic Plague started in China and spread west along the Silk Road hitting Crimea in 1346 and in Europe around 1349. The plague reduced the entire worlds population by 40% to 60%
  • Jan 1, 1450

    What some social effects were.

    Many of the people said the Jews poisoned the water and was causing the spread.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    What Economically changed.

    The peasants learned they could come together and make governmental changes. They began to demand more money because they were fewer workers. More people also owned land than before.