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The Bank Battle 1816-1840

  • Charter of the Second Bank

    The First Bank Was not renewed so Jackson started the Second bank on a twenty year charter.
  • Panic of 1819

    The second bank had to get loans and farms were shutting down. People were in a financial crisis and panicked.
  • Jackson veto's Second Bank

    It was time for the Second Bank to be renewed but upon being presented the renewal Jackson vetoed it. He claimed it caused panic and injustice.
  • Election of 1832

    In the battle of Jackson versus Clay Jackson ended up winning this election. He gained supporters after his veto of the bank and calling the national bank out on its grievances to many Southerners.
  • Jackson slows the bank

    At this time Jackson stopped government funding the national bank and moved it to some state banks of choice. These were called "pet banks".
  • Panic of 1837

    After Van bureau was elected president the country went into financial crisis and lasted until the eighteen forties because he could not resolve it.
  • Election of 1840

    Henry Harrison won this election and helped put an end to the bank crisis that was so ongoing.