The Axeman of New Orleans

  • The First Murders

    The First Murders
    Joseph and Catherine Maggio, who were both Italian grocers, were both struck with an axe that the family owned. Both died on the scene and were found by Andrew Maggio, Joseph's brother. Even though the police suspected Andrew Maggio to be the murderer, he was latter released due to the lack of evidence that he was the killer. Source: Link text
  • The Affiar That Went Wrong

    The Affiar That Went Wrong
    Louis Besumer and his mistress, Harriet Lowe, were attcked in the back of Besumer's grocery store. Besumer died on scene while Lowe survived, then later died 2 months later after the attack. The couple were found by John Zanca, the diver of the bread wagon and was suspected of killing the couple, which he was quickly released when the police realized Zanca had no connection to the murders.
  • The Axeman Baby

    The Axeman Baby
    Mrs. Schneider was attacked in the early morning of August 5th, 1918. She woke up to a shadow figure with an axe and cut her scalp open. She was 8 months pregnant when the attacks happened. The week following the attack, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. The suspect in their case was James Gleason, who was suspected because of description given to the police, but was later released due to Gleason giving an alibi.
  • The End of the Axe

    The End of the Axe
    Joseph Romano was an elderly man who was attacked in the middle of the night. His nieces awoke to their uncle taking a severe blow to the head. Even though the girls witnessed the attack, they can't remember how the Axeman looked like. 2 days after the attack, Romano died due to his injuries. Authorities found an axe that was not owned by Romano and a door that was chiseled away to enter into the household.
  • The Family Who Lost Their Child

    The Family Who Lost Their Child
    Charles, Rosie, and Mary Cartimiglia were a family of Italian Americans were were attacked by the Axeman. Charles and Rosie received major blows to the head while Mary, their 2 year old daughter, was dead instantly by the attack. People believed that Iorlando and Frank Jordani were responsible for the attacks, even though Iorlando was a 69 year old man with poor health and his son, Frank was too large to fit though the door. They were found guilty with little to no evidence.
  • The Letter that Scared New Orleans

    The Letter that Scared New Orleans
    The Axeman sent a letter to the local newspaper making fun of the police and threating the people of New Orleans with a special request. If the request is not made, there would be more murders. Part of the letter:
    I am very fond on jazz music and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions, that every person shall be spared in whose house a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well then, so much the better for the people."
  • Hell, March 19, 1919

    Hell, March 19, 1919
    Because of the letter, on March 19, 1919, everyone in New Orleans turned in their radios to put on jazz. People who did not own radios would pour into bars where jazz bands would be playing all night.As a result to the Axeman have a great fond of jazz, Joseph John Davilla created the Axman jazz, also known as Don't Scare Me Papa. Song: Don't Scare Me Papa
    Link text
  • Axeman Hits Again?!

    Axeman Hits Again?!
    After the night of jazz, the Axeman didn't murder anyone, until Auguse 10th, 1919. Steve Boca was attacked while he was sleeping in his room. HIs neighbor, FRank Genusa, found Boca unconsious with his head craked open by an axe that was owned by Boca. Even though Boca was able to recover from his injuries, he could not remember who hit him with the axe.
  • Axes. Axes Everywhere.

    Axes. Axes Everywhere.
    Sarah Laumann was the next victim of the Axeman. When neighbors heard a commotion in her apartment, they went to check on her. Once the door was open, they found the young lady unconsious, which a skull fracture and missing teeth. The bloody axe was in the front lawn, but was not owned by anyone living in the apartments. She was able to recover from her injuries but as the same as Boca, she can not remember who attacked her.
  • The Final Attempt

    The Final Attempt
    The last known victim of the Axeman attack was Mike Pepitone, whose wife found Pepitone on the floor covered with his own blood and a large man running away with an axe. The wife was unable to describe to man to the police and Pepitone died while he was in the hospital trying to recover from his injury.