The, AP, World History.

  • Apr 1, 600

    Arab forces

    The Arab forces entered India as early as the 7th century. This was before the etablishment of the Umayyad Caliphate.
  • Period: Jan 1, 605 to Jan 1, 610

    The Grand Canal Boosts!

    Altough the Grand Canal was started in the 400's, major work was done on it between 605 - 610. The Grand Canal was a major key in the survival of the Tang Dyanasty. It provided convienent trasportation of good and helped maintain communication.
  • Period: Jan 1, 627 to

    First Glorious Period

    The Tang Dynasty was recovering from a weak condition at this point. The change in government and many other things gave a turning poin to the Tand Dynasty. The economy and commerce becan to rise and prosper.
  • May 25, 632

    Islam spreads north

    They were aided by the weakness os te empires they wanted to conquer. Because of the Byzantine and Persian mpires were heavier then before and most people were willing, they converted.
  • Aug 20, 632

    Muhhamed dies

    MNuhhameds life reprisented the "seal of the prophets." Anyone who followed had to be a ver different sort.
  • Apr 15, 700

    Islam spreads

    The Muslims started converting people. They seied Byzantine Syria and Palestine, and most of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, New World India and New World Africa.
  • Period: Jan 1, 742 to


    was King of the Franks from 768 and Emperor of the Romans from 800 to his death in 814. He expanded the Frankish kingdom into an empire that incorporated much of Western and Central Europe
  • Jan 1, 753

    Rome Founded

    Rome was said to have been founded by twim brothers named Romulus and Remus. It would later become one of the greatest Empires.
  • Period: Jan 1, 755 to Jan 1, 763

    An Shi Rebellion

    The An Shit Rebellion had a great deal in destroying the Tand Dynasty. It hurt the Tangs regime, the national strength was weakend and it cause many power struggles from the emporers then on.
  • Apr 15, 1000

    Islam gains more follwers

    After the ninth century, Sufi Muslims attacted more people. Most of these people came from either India or Persia.
  • Apr 15, 1000

    Women in Byzantine

    Most were married young and stayed home a lot of their lifes. Later on women got to enjoy freedom in public.
  • Apr 14, 1001

    Raids of India

    Muhammed of Ghazni, the leader of the turks, led raids of India. This started in about 1001 and went on until about 1027 C.E.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1025 to Jan 1, 1081

    Political instability and Military Defeat

    In Byzantine military and political leaders are falling under. Byzantine went threw many rullers during this timespan.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1050 to Jan 1, 1200

    Agricultural Revolution

    Started when the climate began to improve. Europens began using advanced tools and techniques.
  • Jan 1, 1054


    Taking place in the Byzantine Empire and Rome between Catholic Churches. Leading to many disputes.
  • Jan 1, 1076

    End of Ghana

    Under the leadership of Abu-Bakr Ibn-Umar the empire of Ghana was conquered. Their capital was seized and Ghana was take over.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1096 to Jan 1, 1099

    First Crusade

    The First Crusade was caused by a military expedition to regain the Holy Lands taken by the Muslims. It ended in the recapture of Jerusalem.
  • Apr 15, 1130

    Mongols emerge

    Defeat few empires in North China. Forced Jin Empire to pay tribute.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1147 to Jan 1, 1149

    Second Crusade

    The Second Crusade was due to fall of Edessa. It made west Europe aware of the dangers that threatened the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and led to another crusade.
  • Jan 1, 1185

    Feaudal Japan

    Creating sepraration between the people, and influence. Mainly people were peasants, rather than noble.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1185 to Apr 15, 1333

    Women in Feudal Japan

    Women were allowed to become samurai if apart of the aristocracy. Women were still seen as lower than men.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1189 to Jan 1, 1192

    Third Crusade

    Not many years after the Second Crusade the Third began when Saladin, a leader for a holy war against the Christians, was found. Saladin then later took over the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • Apr 15, 1200

    Tunisia helps spread

    Some of the islamic forces from Tunisia helped spready islam around. They conquered places like Crete, Sicily, Cyprus, Southern Italy, Southern France, and areas around the Mediteranian
  • Apr 15, 1200

    Rise of Mongols

    Rise contributed by enviorment, economic life, cultural institutions and deserts. Shamanism was also introduced.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1200 to Apr 15, 1368

    Mongol Empire

    Soon to be one of the worlds largest empires in history. Grew by forcing other empires to pay a tribute.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1202 to Apr 15, 1261

    Fourth Crusade

    European Armies wanted to travel to Egypt, but were lacking the trasportation. They asked Vinice to help them, but were lacking money. Vinice asked them to help them fight to get back Zara in exchange for an extension for the Europeans to pay. Once they got Zara, they helped Alexius gain throne of Constantinople and took it as their own.
  • Jul 14, 1206

    Delhi was created

    The Delhi introduced new water control systems in India. The largets interrigation systems in te tropics were government pblic work projects.
  • Jan 1, 1214

    Battle of Beijing

    The Battle of Beijing was between the Mongols and the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty was part of the Song Dynasty. This Battle was very important to the survival of the Song, but they lost and the Mongols were able to continue through China. This would later lead to the end of the Song.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was created to limit the power of King John of England. It forced him to follow the laws that all other people were required to follow.
  • Jan 1, 1219

    Invasion of Asian State.

    While Gengis Khan is attempting to take over.Mongols centered on Khwarezm, full invasion.
  • Jan 1, 1221

    Mongols took over most of Iran.

    So much, Gengis Khan wasn't in all campaigns, which allowed for non-mongol nomads.
  • Apr 15, 1234

    Mongols controlled most of North China

    Khan mainly took over due to Chinas economy. Later Chu Yuan took back over and soon named the Yuan empire.
  • Jan 1, 1240

    Ghana's remains go to Mali

    Soon after Ghana falls, Mali comes into the world. All that remains from Ghana is incorperated into Mali.
  • Jan 1, 1240

    Golden Horde

    The golden horde was estabolished designed for the mongols. It extended towards the Black Sea, Sibera and Eastern Europe at it's peak.
  • Apr 14, 1250

    Irrigation complex fell

    Invaders from south India disrupted the sinhalese government. Then, the population of Ceylon suferend from malaria. This continued until about 1400 C.E.
  • Apr 15, 1260

    Nasir Al Din Tusi

    One of the greatest scientists andmathematicians at the time. Tusi was invaded by the Mongols, they then were influenced by his knoledge.
  • Apr 15, 1274

    Mongols attempt.

    Mongols first attempt to invade Japan. Failing the first time they attempt again in 1281.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Death of the Song Dynasty

    Then end of the Song Dynasty was due to the Mongols. They were finally able to successfully able to take over China, and established the Yuan Dynasty.
  • Apr 15, 1300

    Islamic people try to understand

    The muslims sought out to get a better understandng of th world. To do so, they would look at the works of Aristole and Plato
  • Apr 15, 1300


    Mongol Yoke, sluggish economy and dormant culture under mongols king.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1315 to Jan 1, 1317

    Great Famine

    The Great Famine started with cold spells that destroyed crops. It killed millions of people.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1337 to Jan 1, 1453

    Hundred Years' War

    The Hundred years war was between House of Valois and the House of Plantagenet. They both wanted to take the thrown of France. Fights were not continuous, nstead it consisted of battles and peace treaties.
  • Apr 15, 1340

    Farmer Rebellions

    Farmers were mad at the Mongols and created rebellions. The causes were from a not so healthy ecomomy and didn't have enough freedoms or income.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1341 to Jan 1, 1391

    Civil War, Plague

    Byzantine is disrupted by a civil war between aristocrats and partisans. Not only is that a problem but so is the black death killing thousands.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1347 to Jan 1, 1351

    Black Death

    The Black Death occured in Europe due to a disease that was being transfered between rats and humans, that was brought over by the Mongols. It killed 1/3 of West Europes population.
  • Apr 15, 1350

    Ibn Rushd

    He was an islamic philosopher. He followed Aristotle and his work found it's way into the schools and universities of Western Europe
  • Apr 15, 1375

    Songhai Empire

    Largest major pre[-colonial empires in west africa. Songhai lasted until 1591
  • Jan 1, 1382

    The translation of the Bible

    John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English. This is an important event for history, because Christianity was then able to expand to new places and be better understood by people who spoke english.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Japans Military Gov.

    Japan controled land and economic affairs. It also provided a military service to the land lords until the late 16th century.
  • Nov 29, 1450


    Between 600 and 1450 CE most Indians converted to the Islamic religion. This was because of the caste sytem. Most of them wanted to get out of it, so they converted to Islam.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Fall of Byzantine

    Casued from the fall of Constantinople. Ending Byzantine.
  • Birth of the Tang Dynasty

    After the end of the Sui Dynasty there was much chaos going on, and many rebellions were breaking out. Li Yuan was raising and army in 617. That November he seized the capital, changed its government, and claimed it to be the Tang Dynasty!
  • Take over of Korea

    The Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo were not on very good terms, but they decided to accept them into their military to better strenthen it. They were then able to take over North Korea and espablish Silla.
  • Birth of the Song Dynasty

    China had been going through yet another chaos with rebellions, and China was begining to split. A military commander reunited China and it became the Song Dynasty!
  • Death of Tang Dynasty

    The An Shi Rebellion was the turning point of the Tang Dynasty's prosperity to its decline. Another cause was because of the Turks, who drove then Tangs away and took control of the Silk road.
  • Buddhism

    Introduced in Japan by Prince Shotoku. Soon to become a huge religion in Feudal Japan.
  • Aqdaghast captured

    Ancient Ghana attacks and captures awdaghast. This enlarged their empire.
  • Daimyo

    Were the most powerful under Shogun. The Daimyo had military and warlords to protect land and the workers.
  • Period: to Jan 1, 1190


    Mali was founded under the leadership of King Sundiata. Mali Empire expanded very fast.