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The American Revolution

  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    A group of colonists disguised themselves as American Indians to throw 342 bags of British Tea off of three different ships in the Boston Harbor. While this was taking place, crowds watched and afterwards they quickly spread the word around about the event. Colonists began using the phrase, "Boston Harbour is a teapot tonight." The Boston Tea Party was done to rebel against the taxes put on tea, also known as the Tea Act.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    Once the British prime minister, Lord North, found out about the Boston Tea Party he was so mad that he got Parliament to agree to punish Massachusetts. The Coercive Acts, also known as The Intolerable Acts, were passed by Britain to accomplish this. The Intolerable acts led to the temporary closing of Boston Harbor, cancelling of Massachusetts charter, Royal officials being sent for trial in Britain, colonists having to supply and house British soldiers, and General Gage becoming govenor.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    At this meeting held in Philidalphia, 56 delagates from evey colony except for Georgia, discussed how to successfully react to the crisis in Boston.While others at this congress said that the colonists should make peace with Great Britain, others said it was impossible to not start a war. In the end everyone agreed to remain boycotting British goods but at the same time still be prepared to fight.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Almost 70 minutemen joined with other large forces of British Troops in the village green of Lexington, right next Concord and were instructed to not "Fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have war, let it begin here!" A shot then rang out by an someone unknown. Whoever it may have been, no one knows, but they started the battle. The fight lasted only a few minutes and once it was over 8 had died and 10 were injured. Afterwards, the British traveled to Concord then retreated to Boston.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    In Northern New York the colonists targeted this Fort while going after the British. This was because Fort Ticonderoga blocked off an important waterway, Lake Champlain. Early in the morning the British attacked in the middle of a storm. Many weapons such as cannons were taken during this process. Alon with Ethan Allen, this event was leaded by Colonol Benedict Arnold.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    The 13 Colonies' delegates came together in a State House of Philadelphia to talk about their plans for continuing The American Revolution. The Second Continental Congress occured right after the battle of Lexington and Concord so they discussed that first. The delegates agreed to establish the New England militia as the continental army. As a result, after this meeting the thirteen colonies were represented by this militia for the rest of the American Revolution.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill had a large impact on the war. This battle allowed for the colonists to see that they could prove themselves to the British in war. To follow this up, George Washington brought a group of men to Dorchester Heights to fight against the Brititsh after the Battle of Bunker Hill. This will cause the British to retreat from the hill. Therefore, although the British won the Battle of Bunker Hill, the colonists were still proud because they had control over the hill again.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Battle of Quebec
    A force consisting of Candians who freely offered to fight and British recruits were attacked by American Troops in The Battle of Quebec. However, the Britians and Canadians won the overall war and put a stop to the threat put on the Britian's control over Canada. Due to all this the colonists had to back down from Canada and they stopped trying to bring people from Canada into war. This war was the cause of losing 500 Americans and 20 Britians or Canadians.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
  • The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)

    The Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights)
  • The Battle Of Trenton

    The Battle Of Trenton
    In Trenton, New Jersey Johann Rall was the leader of Great Britian and for the USA was George Washington. The Great Britan soilders killed 22 Americans. The US killed only 2 British soilders. The obvious win of this battle was the Britsh soilders lead by Johann Rall.
  • The Battle Of Princeton

    The Battle Of Princeton
    On January 3rd in Princeton,New Jersey George Washington orders his troop to be silent while they march on to Priceton. George hopes to make a surprise attack on the Britsh forces. American soldiers end up killing 100 British soldiers while Great Britian only kills 25 American soldiers.
  • The Battle Of BrandyWine Creek

    The Battle Of BrandyWine Creek
    George Washington desparately needed to win this next battle. His soldiers had just lost against the British in New York. Washington's soldiers were struggling to keep their independence. The Americans managed to win the Battle against the British leader Sir Williams Howe's army. The Americans captured, wounded and killed of a total of 1300 British soldiers.
  • Winter At Valley Forge

    Winter At Valley Forge
    The Americans at this point were really starting to struggle agaisnt the British troops. George sent his colonists to Valley Forge where they would stay over the winter to fight the next battle. George knew he had to do something to fight for the Americans independence. The soldiers were quickly put into shape with early moring workouts, till late at night conditioning. The new improved army was great for the Americans and we stronger than ever!
  • The Battle Of Saratoga

    The Battle Of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was a very important battle for the Americans. It was a turning point in the Revolutionary War. The British soldiers were running low on ammunition and supplies at Saratoga. After the British soldiers were tired and cold from marching to the battle field, the American soldiers surrounded Burgoyne and his British army and soon they had to surrender.
  • The Battle Of Vicennes

    The Battle Of Vicennes
    At first the British soldiers were close to the Indians and managed to give them ammunition and supplies. The reason for the Indians attacking white colonists was because the British were paying them to protect them. Once George Rogers Clark, captain of the colonists decided to try to convince the Indians to make peace with the colonists. The Indians finally agreed, and with great strateigies the colonists won the battle on the mountain of Vicennes.
  • Siege Of Savannah

    Siege Of Savannah
  • The Seige Of Charleston

    The Seige Of Charleston
  • The Battle Of Camden

     The Battle Of Camden
    The Battle of Camden was a hige sucsess for the British! The way they won this battle was because of pure strategy. The method they used was called southern strategy. The British would take over all the southern places like South Carolina, Georgia and Savannah.This certainly suprised the Americans and was a great strategy for the British which led to the win at Camden.
  • The Battle Of Yorktown

    The Battle Of Yorktown
  • The Treaty Of Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris